View Full Version : Ghost walk

margaret jones
24-02-11, 22:17
Hi my dear friends just wanted to tell you how good I feel went on a organised Ghost walk in our local area lasted almost 2hrs and I managed to stay and enjoy the whole experince .

This is fantastic for me because even the fear of being outdoors never mind being in a group and walking up inclines that would have convinced me that a Heart Attack was immenent , that was Me a few mnths ago :)
So keep going till you beat this demon called anxiety xxx lol

paula lynne
24-02-11, 23:04
Well done Maggie, thats just fantastic!! :yesyes:
It feels so good these achievements, cos it sticks two fingers up to agrophobia and anxiety. No stopping you now!! :hugs:

cathy s
24-02-11, 23:33
Yay for you!

Granny Primark
25-02-11, 10:33
WELL DONE!!!!:yesyes:
Sometimes cus of anxiety we are convinced that we arent capable of doing things. Reading success stories gives us all hope.
Sometimes if im on my own and struggling il talk to myself and tell that anxiety and panic to go away but in not such polite terms.:blush::D
The way to go margaret. Be proud of your achievment.

25-02-11, 10:43
That's fantastic Margaret - 2 hours! :yesyes:

Vanilla Sky
25-02-11, 10:54
So glad to hear Margaret , Well done :hugs:

Paige xxx

margaret jones
25-02-11, 11:26
Thank you everyone for your encouragment and support it is with all your help that I can move forward ( not aiming to high little steps lead to a big step ) Tortoise / Hare .

25-02-11, 14:33
Good for you Margaret, I am so proud of you, you are a wonderful person xxxxxxxxxxx
love crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-02-11, 14:39

Maggie that is absolutely fantastic, i bet you are buzzing!!

Wow! that is such a massive achievement.

A huge well done to you :yesyes:

di xx

25-02-11, 14:56
You deserve a big MM hug for that Maggie!

Big big big Well Done to you :yesyes:

Veronica H
25-02-11, 16:51
:bighug1::yesyes:So pleased for you Maggie. This is a brilliant achievement.

margaret jones
25-02-11, 20:01
Bless you all for the kind messages they mean so much to me :D I am sending you all a great big :hugs:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

27-02-11, 13:53
Well done Margaret!!! Way to go!!!
