View Full Version : Pregnant and scared of blood tests

24-02-11, 22:35
Hi all i'm new here and i'm glad i found a place i can get my worries out as i'm not sure how well i can cope keeping this to myself anymore.

I'm 28 yrs old and 12 wks pregnant, this is my first pregnancy and i am naturally terrifed, but i'm really scared of the HIV Hep A, B, C etc tets that i have to do in the next few days.

I have had a few partners in the past... some of them have gone on had children, no problems as far as i'm aware. I've had a vaginal STD test done but never had a HIV one, i'm a very nervous person and i was too scared to get it done. My encounter i'm really scared about happened about 10 years ago. Since then i've had a lot of bloods done Complete blood count, liver function etc, all has been normal.... in the 7 yrs ive been with my partner, we've never had any STDS or reason to panic.... I went as far one time to ask an ex was he tested he said yes and he was - as was his girlfriend.

I'm sorry this is such a longgg post, i was diganosed with panic disorder a couple of yrs ago and have never really dealt with it as such

Am i high risk for HIV? I'm really terrified i don't know what to do :(

macc noodle
25-02-11, 00:55
Don't worry honey - it will be fine - just try and relax - the chances of you having HIV must be miniscule.

All those blood tests you have had show you to be fine and healthy.

Enjoy your pregnancy.


25-02-11, 09:48
i can completely empathize with you - I had excalty the same worry with my first child 6 years ago and it really affected me. thankfully the tests were fine but it lead to me worrying about "catching" hiv from accidently stepping on a used needle etc. anyway I just wanted to reassure that prior to my bloods being taken at the 12 week point I spoke to a nurse who worked in the hiv clinic and she said that even if I hadn't had a specific hiv test - something abnormal would have shown up in bloods I had taken the previous year for back problems - i recall it would have shown in the blood count or something like so the fact that yours have come back normal shoudl hopefully give you some relief.

Get the bloods done as soon as your given the form and then once you get the good news go and get excited about being pregnant - above all try and enjoy being pregnant! xxx

p.s feel free to pm if you need to x

25-02-11, 10:09
Thank you both so much for the replies- wow there are people like me then! I really thought i was alone on this one. constantworrier- i actually do have the same fear of catching Hep/HIV by sitting on a needle or standing on one somewhere, scares me to death even thinking about it. I suppose logic needs to kick in here all my bloods have been good so far, i am a what- if thinker.

It must be hormones as well, worrying about your child all the time? I was even given an emergency scan early in the pregnancy because i convinced myself i wasn't pregnant and there was no heartbeat :( Again thanks for the replies, hope you dont mind if i update the thread as the time gets nearer and passes when the test is done.

I'm so glad i found this place :)

25-02-11, 20:28
I wish I'd found this site sooner too! I think pregnancy does induce quite a few worries - with my first it was the hiv thing and that carried on for a while after I had given birth (constantly worrying "what if" i had stepped on a needle when in town? or what if a junkie had a used needle in their pocket and it had sratch my arm etc. Whereas now after having my second last year its all about cancer!!!

Please don't worry - I genuinely don't think you have anything to worry about, have the bloods done when you are invited to and although you will worry until you get the results (sometimes you don't actually hear what the results are which is usually a sign everything is normal) once you do put it behind you and enjoy this lovely time. Feel free to pm at anytime xxx

01-03-11, 15:07
Hi well i've had the test done and they said in the hospital it will take 10 days to return. I told the midwife my worries etc, and the nurse who took my blood said i was very low risk for it but still i'm terrified :(

macc noodle
01-03-11, 16:05
Hi SoScared,

Glad you had the tests done - I am sure all will be fine !!! Try and chill out about it (I know sometimes easier said than done).

Keep smiling.........:D


01-03-11, 21:49
Hi macc noodle thanks very much, i'm feeling the anxiety mainly at night, when the what-if thinking kicks in. There will be moments over the next week and a half that i will probably be on here in a state and i just want to apologize in advance. I can think logically but it's the what if thinking that gets me worked up. Thanks to everyone who has helped me so far on this, i pray that i can return the favour one day if all is ok with me.

macc noodle
01-03-11, 22:08
Don't apologise - we all need a reassuring post now and then :hugs:That is why we have joined - to be amongst others who know what it feels like ..................... Jan

02-03-11, 11:01
Don't apologise - we all need a reassuring post now and then :hugs:That is why we have joined - to be amongst others who know what it feels like ..................... Jan

thanks so much, i've still not heard anything back, it's only been a day but i feel like a ticking time bomb already! Terrible having the worry hanging over you like that. I think they should do rapid testing in these situations!

04-03-11, 16:02
negative :) Got my results today! I want to thank everyone on here for helping me through an awful time ! the Heps B & C were negative as well :) She didn't mention Hep A or sphyillis at all so i ssume they're ok?

macc noodle
04-03-11, 16:05
WooHoo - now go and enjoy your pregnancy!!!!



04-03-11, 16:20
Thanks again , i feel like everything just got brighter for me, no doubt i'll be on here with more worries soon though. I would advise anyone going through the turmoil of this anxiety to just get the test done, the turnaround time on them is pretty fast these days and at least you know then.

09-03-11, 19:21
great news !!! So pleased its all done and you can look forward to having you're baby x

15-03-11, 12:42
i was worried as well when i got tested it was the longest week of my life. when i went to the doc they said that i was clear it is scary but im sure you are fine .. hugs and kisses