View Full Version : I would not wish this on my worst enemy

24-02-11, 23:09
I am sooo over my anxiety. I need to vent. I am going through a very rough patch at the moment. I have been to the doctors 3 times in like 2 weeks and everytime I come back from the doctors happy because I have aleviated my worries I find new worries to think about. First its ms, then its skin cancer, what is next? I am so scared because I know another worry is just around the corner. I think to my self: I will not do this happy activity like bake a cake or go to the shops until I get rid of this or that worry. Then when I am rid of it another comes along. Its a never ending cycle and I am so exhausted from it. Going to the docs today to see if my mole is cancerous. Freaked out!!!!! I cant wait till this day is over. Or will I come home happy because nothing is wrong and on the way home in the car discover something new. :(

25-02-11, 09:49
Oh dear. I have been in exactly your situation myself. I have worried myself sick for months on end about some symptom, tied myself in knots waiting for test results etc and when I'm given the all clear, something else pops up. So I have gone from being elated to being totally anxious in the space of a few hours. I once had an mri done on my head and neck because of dizzyness and headaches and the day came when I got the results - everything ok - and I didnt even give myself a chance to be happy about it as I was off down the docs about something else. Crazy. I hope that when you get back from the docs today that you are happy and do some nice things to take your mind of things. Try not to go looking for anything else to worry about. Take care.