View Full Version : my story

24-02-11, 23:18
hi guys,

my name is richard i'm 34 and used to be healthy up untill 6 months ago heres my story........

i split with my girlfriend of ten years about a year ago and left my two young girls behind and rented a house with my friend we started going out every saturday drinking beer and trying to get over my split. after about 2-3 months of going out getting drunk every saturday i noticed my hangovers where getting really bad!! then it happend one sunday after a drinking session the night before, i went to tesco on the way there my hands started going numb then my heart was going so fast i could hardly drive my car! i got there and just walked straight to the toilet nearly fainting on the way i got to the toilet and sat there sweating, heart beating so fast and feeling faint i really thought i was going to die!!! i managed to get myself to a walking center where i was checked by the doctor "yes mr heathcote you have had a anxiety attack" he calmed me down and sent me home.

i had about 8 more attacks only the day after drinking and never had them thru the week so i stoped drinking so much just had the odd pint or two and was fine no more anxiety attacks.

then i got laid of work i thought i was ok but then in december i started getting muscle twitches but loads of them then the blurred vision came then a couple of days later the tingling and head pain then my eyes felt like they where being sqeezed some days i thought i was dying or i felt that ill i would sooner be dead!!! if i looked at the tv and then looked at the wall the tv would be on the wall my vision just went strange like differant colours everywhere and i couldnt concentrate on nothing! i even had blood vessels burst in my eyes. in the end i went doctors told him my symptoms and he said i had GAD and gave me some beta blockers!

i still have symptoms some days i feel ok some days i feel realy ill and i struggle with coming to terms with anxiety and i'm allways looking at other things it could be! the last week i have been getting clicking in all my joints and neck so i have been looking it up and now have lymes!!

i'm going to try my hardest to beat this. and sorry for the long post but i feel great now i have that off my chest.

love and peace


24-02-11, 23:19
Hi uncletravelingric

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
24-02-11, 23:23
Hi Richard, welcome to the forum, glad to have you with us!
Youve really been through the mill, no wonder you started having panic attacks. Im glad youre a little better now, were all here for you. :welcome:

24-02-11, 23:48
Hi Rich,
You are on the road to recovery, I like you had panic attacks in the car while I was driving, (9 years ago now) and for a week, I couldn't even get back behind the drivers seat....I was so scared that it would happen again. Like you, my anxiety started after a split with my ex-husband...after 9 years of marriage (lots of betrayal and lies....turns out he was gay and decided it was best if he kept it from me!)
We also had 2 boys together, so it was hard....after a while I fell apart also with this anxiety.
I still suffer from it, on and off, when I start to get anxious again...I just go back on my meds.
Having said all that, you will have bad days and good days....everyone does, even thosse who don't suffer from anxiety...but you will find, once you start getting your life back on track and start feeling good about yourself again and happy, things will change for you and you won't even remember your anxiety!
Good luck

25-02-11, 00:04
thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

i used to be so outgoing and friendly now i'm just feeling so tired and empty all the time!! i'm meant to be going traveling again in six weeks but i just feel so ill all the time and dont think i will be able to go!

25-02-11, 09:35
Hi Rich welcome, i'm glad you have found us.

As you will discover your story will ring true for many here, myself included, but you will also realise that it is Anxiety and not some terrible illness, i know it's difficult now but with our help and support you will get through it.

My one simple message would be STAY WELL AWAY FROM DR.GOOGLE.

I hope you manage to go traveiling.

Take care
Sharon xxx

Vanilla Sky
25-02-11, 10:56
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x