View Full Version : Does anybody experience this!

03-04-06, 09:40
I am sitting watching TV or reading a paper and experience of sensation in my throat and just below the breast bone. I ofton think is a ectopic but I dont feel any kind of thump in my chest. Could it be a panic spasm? They seem to occur midway through the day. I also go flush and feel hot and lose concentration when somebody is talking to me. Can anybody help! I stuns my for a few minites and have to gather myself by listening to music or something! Iam scared to sit on the sofa and relax!

They say most people get a ectopic a day but why dont notice and we do? Whats the best way to get ride of these feelings? They are starting to get me down. I get atleast one a day?


03-04-06, 16:31
Same thing happened to me. when I first experienced it I thought I was having a heart attack and called the ambulance out. I went to A&E two times...

Basically when my body is tiered and I am over excited about something I get them. It can be anything from a movie, news, or even just thinking about it that brings them on. It has something to do with adrenalin.

I went to see lots of Dr's and in the end I just thought it best to believe what they were all telling me and take their advice. they basically told me, that it was anxiety. They said you are either anxious or not, and I am an anxious person. My mum is and Grandma...

My best firend said she has had these symptoms all her life. Maybe we all have but never noticed it until now.

I hope that helps.