View Full Version : So Laid back!!!

25-02-11, 10:11
An old family friend said the other day that I am so "laid back" and just get on with things. If only she knew what I was really like she would be surprised as I am the worlds biggest worrier about everything, not just health related. I am the same if I go to the docs, as if what I am there about is not really bothering me when really it is making my like a misery.

How can I give the impression on being calm when I am going mad inside. Is anyone else like this.

25-02-11, 10:16
Humly -
I am exactly the same. Nobody in my life has any idea of the state I'm in most of the time, including my doctor! Do you think you make a conscious effort not to show how worried you are, or is it just the way people see you?

25-02-11, 10:26
Yes me 100%. In fact it fuels the anxiety because I am forever being put in stressful situations. For instance for a job I work in a secondary school as a relief teacher (Taking classes when teachers are absent) I am one in a team of seven and because of my outward calm and collective persona I get all the difficult classes and awkward jobs, I’m told I do the job well and teachers often ask for me when their classes need covering. Its the same with family – whenever anything goes wrong – illness, relationship troubles, D.I.Y disasters, trips to airports, you name it if it’s a s£$%y job I get the phone call.
I suppose it’s partly my own fault for pretending to be what I’m not but I prefer to keep my problems close (only my wife, doc and counsellor know) Here’s a bizarre take on the subject – not long ago we were chatting at school about how often members of staff get excited and shout at students, loose the plot etc and casually said ’take me for instance I suffer anxiety and regularly see a psychologist yet I can stay calm’. Nobody obviously believed me and it caused much merriment. But there you go sometimes we are so good at disguising the truth nobody would/does believe you when you tell the truth.

Vanilla Sky
25-02-11, 10:55
Think we are all the same, just shows you it's all going on in our heads . When i tell people i have anxiety , they look at me real weird lol