View Full Version : my daughter nearly died

25-02-11, 11:31
im still shacking from this on wednesday we took the kids to blackpool and wen tin to the jungel gumwe mst have only been there for 15 mins b4 we herd screming and it was my little amelia she had beenn saved see they were working on a section of it and didnt coner it off so cord from the jumgel gym got wrapped around her neck and she was left hanging if it wasnt for the quick thinking of a women in there shed be dead we spent all day in hospital with her having x rays and what not they finnaly gave us the all clear and we were allowed to go home i dodnt think iv fully taken in what happend i was angary for about 10 mins shhputing at the manger of the tower but i feel noting numb even i havnt cryed or any thing i do how ever feel lik ei acnt let her out my sight

how do i deal with this apart from panicng

hopers xx

paula lynne
25-02-11, 11:42
OMG you poor woman! Youve had a massive shock, Id advise you to just let the panic come. I know it sounds silly, but avoiding it will prolong the agony for you.
Your little Amelia is fine. Keep telling yourself she is ok.
I know its so hard thinking about it all the time and going over and over it, but try to keep busy and spend time with her, painting, drawing, reading, making cakes, watching a DVD together, etc etc etc.

You will be ok. Your reaction is perfectly normal. Im sure you will start to feel a little better every day as you spend time together and know she is ok.

Sending massive hugs hopers :bighug1:

25-02-11, 11:45
your poor little girl and poor you, what an awful thing to have to go through, it sounds like you could still be in shock. Its normal to go through all kinds of emotions after going through such a traumatic experience. I have a little girl so can only imagine what you must have and still be going through. Its also normal to not want to let your daughter out of your sight. Big hugs for you and amelia :hugs: