View Full Version : How do I stop being scared?

25-02-11, 12:06
Hi everyone!

I've been trying my hardest to get myself back to my old self (or at least a lot closer to my old self) before the anxiety. I used to be quite laid back before and only really worried about important stuff like bills etc. But I seem to be finding it extremely difficult! How do I stop being so scared of my symptoms and just carry on with a normal life?! Before this started I had a good job, I'd just bought a brand new car and me and my partner had a house together and everything was great! As soon as the anxiety struck I became such a mess that I had to stop working and I'm struggling really bad financially which doesn't help my anxiety at all. It's been 16 months now since I had to finish work and in all honesty, I'm far from better and probably way worst than I was when it first started and I'm worried I'll forever be this way now.

I do feel that there is more to it than anxiety, like there is a reason that the anxiety is there and that it came on to alert me that there's something wrong with my body. The doctors don't want to do tests and I can't afford to pay for tests myself.

I just don't know what to do anymore. I wake up and feel like throwing myself out of the window because I don't want to face yet another day of being scared and feeling so ill. Its such a struggle to do everything, to eat, drink, even to move! I have no energy! My head feels fuzzy all the time too.

I'm just stuck like this!

My main symptoms are chest pain and discomfort in centre and left, funny heart sensations, trouble breathing (winded feeling - can't physically take a breath in when it happens). I also have dizzy spells, depersonalisation and strange all over body sensations.

I am currently on the priority list for one-on-one CBT.

Can anybody help?

cathy s
25-02-11, 12:18
Hi There

If you haven't already, please read the symptoms page on this site. Understanding why you feel the way you do will be helpful, as you may then start to relax about some of the symptoms and this (according to Claire Weekes books) is the begining of recovery. I have used this method to help myself, and although difficult at first, once you are more accepting of the symptoms which are just the symptoms of an overactive nervous system you will start to get better. The body is ready to heal itself just as soon as you allow it to by not adding to the stress by worrying about the symptoms. (how many times can I say 'symptoms'!)

I really hope I've helped slightly, I feel your pain.
Let us know how you go.
Will you consider seeing the doc to explain how you feel if you get too desperate?

All the best.


cathy s
25-02-11, 12:20
Just to add- when distressed myself I take 10 min walks and keep occupied with junk tv and word searches to rest the nervous system. Also formal relaxation every day works wonders (after doing it for a few days)

25-02-11, 12:47
Punk have you ever been checked out for costochondritis? This started all my anxiety, it is inflammation of the chest bone and rib, very painful x

25-02-11, 13:24
Hi There

If you haven't already, please read the symptoms page on this site. Understanding why you feel the way you do will be helpful, as you may then start to relax about some of the symptoms and this (according to Claire Weekes books) is the begining of recovery. I have used this method to help myself, and although difficult at first, once you are more accepting of the symptoms which are just the symptoms of an overactive nervous system you will start to get better. The body is ready to heal itself just as soon as you allow it to by not adding to the stress by worrying about the symptoms. (how many times can I say 'symptoms'!)

I really hope I've helped slightly, I feel your pain.
Let us know how you go.
Will you consider seeing the doc to explain how you feel if you get too desperate?

All the best.


Hi Cathy

Thank you for your replies. Unfortunately I have tried all of your suggestions without any success. I have been to my doctors over and over only to just get told "it's just anxiety". But how can they be sure if they don't send me for tests?

I've tried anti-anxiety meds and anti-depressants but had bad side effects with both which made my anxiety 100 times worse. I've read 4 different self help books, Claire weekes' being one of them. I've had some counselling but they stopped it as I was told I'd been referred for CBT (it's now been 8 months since then and still not had any CBT) and I've tried self hypnosis. I've also tried breathing exercises.

I wish I could just believe it's anxiety but I know my own body and this just isn't right! I don't know what I'm supposed to do now!

allergyphobia - no, I have never been checked for that... what tests would they do for that?

anx mum
25-02-11, 15:26
Hi Cathy

Thank you for your replies. Unfortunately I have tried all of your suggestions without any success. I have been to my doctors over and over only to just get told "it's just anxiety". But how can they be sure if they don't send me for tests?

I've tried anti-anxiety meds and anti-depressants but had bad side effects with both which made my anxiety 100 times worse. I've read 4 different self help books, Claire weekes' being one of them. I've had some counselling but they stopped it as I was told I'd been referred for CBT (it's now been 8 months since then and still not had any CBT) and I've tried self hypnosis. I've also tried breathing exercises.

I wish I could just believe it's anxiety but I know my own body and this just isn't right! I don't know what I'm supposed to do now!

allergyphobia - no, I have never been checked for that... what tests would they do for that?

Hiya hun sorry to hear your no better u and me both. I ca understand how u feel it takes over ur life. Alley: This is what doc r saying i got what r symptoms?

25-02-11, 15:33
costochondritis is inflammation of the chest bone and rib, usually comes after a virus.. pain in the middle of your chest can mimic a heart attack and go round one side of your rib cage. i found that warmth on the area helped me but i still suffer from time to time, took months to go away and left me breathless and with a chronic cough... very annoying.

25-02-11, 15:34
and they don't test for it, more diagnose you on the basis of your symptoms.

anx mum
25-02-11, 15:38
costochondritis is inflammation of the chest bone and rib, usually comes after a virus.. pain in the middle of your chest can mimic a heart attack and go round one side of your rib cage. i found that warmth on the area helped me but i still suffer from time to time, took months to go away and left me breathless and with a chronic cough... very annoying.

Was the pains in chest really sharp? Was ur strenum tender to touch? Doc thinks ive got this what did u take for pain?

25-02-11, 20:19
costochondritis is inflammation of the chest bone and rib, usually comes after a virus.. pain in the middle of your chest can mimic a heart attack and go round one side of your rib cage. i found that warmth on the area helped me but i still suffer from time to time, took months to go away and left me breathless and with a chronic cough... very annoying.

Is a cough always a symptom as I don't have a cough!

Bev - sounds like you're not coping too well at the moment. You've had all the tests and all are ok, you just got to try and believe them huni. You can beat this, you've done it before! Here if u need me hun xxx

28-02-11, 15:16
Hi guys

My doctor FINALLY sent me for a test... a chest x-ray! i've got to go see her 2 weeks from today! I'm a little nervous about it :unsure: i wish i didnt have to wait so long though... 2 weeks is a long time when feeling like this!

I'm feeling quite anxious today and i'm struggling a bit. I'm just trying to keep myself busy until my partner gets home at 6.30pm!

Hope everyone is well x

anx mum
28-02-11, 15:41
Hi guys

My doctor FINALLY sent me for a test... a chest x-ray! i've got to go see her 2 weeks from today! I'm a little nervous about it :unsure: i wish i didnt have to wait so long though... 2 weeks is a long time when feeling like this!

I'm feeling quite anxious today and i'm struggling a bit. I'm just trying to keep myself busy until my partner gets home at 6.30pm!

Hope everyone is well x

thats good hun have u had chest xray? Ive just had scan on leg cos been getting pain in it and still getting chest pains. Living lke this is awful isnt it

28-02-11, 15:48
thats good hun have u had chest xray? Ive just had scan on leg cos been getting pain in it and still getting chest pains. Living lke this is awful isnt it

yea i've had the xray done, just got to wait for the results! they told me to see the doctor in one week when i had the xray done but when i rang the doctors earlier they said to make an appointment for in 2 weeks!! obviously i'm hoping all is ok but on the other hand i want to know what is causing the breathing problems! I was terrible with it last week!

do you have to wait for the results of scan on your leg or was all ok?

I'm sick of being like this, i dont have a life!!! feeling really down today :weep:

anx mum
28-02-11, 15:55
yea i've had the xray done, just got to wait for the results! they told me to see the doctor in one week when i had the xray done but when i rang the doctors earlier they said to make an appointment for in 2 weeks!! obviously i'm hoping all is ok but on the other hand i want to know what is causing the breathing problems! I was terrible with it last week!

do you have to wait for the results of scan on your leg or was all ok?

I'm sick of being like this, i dont have a life!!! feeling really down today :weep:

Im the same hun every day is a living hell at mo feel like im just excisting. My leg scan was normal had results straight away. The breathing symptom is awful i think the worse sendingu a big:bighug1:

28-02-11, 16:04
Im the same hun every day is a living hell at mo feel like im just excisting. My leg scan was normal had results straight away. The breathing symptom is awful i think the worse sendingu a big:bighug1:

i'm glad it was normal hun. has it reassured you at all?

have you asked the doctor to refer you to a chest pyhsiotherapist hun?

here's a hug right back :bighug1: :)

01-03-11, 09:22
Whenever I think of something that scares you block it with positive thoughts. Think of your happy place. It is best if you have an object to cling to, something to cherish. Perhaps his medals, basketball, whatever helps you to escape your fears.