View Full Version : Not posted in a while. Anxious day. Can anyone offer some words of wisdom?

Natalie x
25-02-11, 12:40
Hi. I've not posted in a while, but lately my anxiety levels have increased. Today i started to feel a little clammy, particularly my face but my forehead doesn't feel particularly hot. My legs then felt a bit funny and then i started to panic and worry. Can anyone offer any re-assurance? Thanks x

25-02-11, 12:47
Hi, Are you taking any medications.

25-02-11, 21:19
Hi Natalie,
I don't know if this will help at all but those sound like classic panic/anxiety attack symptoms to me. I get clamminess, shakiness, weak legs and feel faint even if I just have a 'mild' panic attack. As your anxiety is kicking off a bit I'm sure that's what's causing it. Take deep breaths and try to make yourself relax and see if you feel better, don't worry. x

~glowly worm~
25-02-11, 21:25

sorry you feeling bad again but welcome back ;)
Tiny critter is right, i think.. i have been getting those feelings alot lately right now even and my therapist has advised me it is panic.

It totally feels real, so hard to believe its not physical however..
I find it helpful to do something that totally absorbs (if possible!) my brain while i feel that way, or make a nice warm drink, burn aromatheray oils, have a shower..even do a crossword?

This might help alleviate it a little.

Thinkin of u x

Natalie x
25-02-11, 22:52
Thanks for your replies. Thankfully i was kept busy at work so my mind as off it a little. Back to worrying now though as i have a pain in my left shoulder and as you can guess, my mind is running riot x

~glowly worm~
26-02-11, 21:57
Glad work helped :)
If it did perhaps you might be able to distract again in some way?
Tricky but even going on chat or reading an absorbing book may help?

When im anxious quite often reading a panic management book specific to my concerns can help.

Gentle hugs x