View Full Version : Bored with anxiety...

25-02-11, 13:57
I am so bored with anxiety, agoraphobia, panic and depression. In fact I am so bored by it that I am not bothering with it anymore. I will just take my tablets everyday and crack on with life.
I must be so boring to people...I really don't know how my partner stays with me!!!! I am so wrapped up in my own little world of miserabledom. I am not doing it anymore. I know I would not want to be with him, if he were as miserable as me!!!
I can't stand being how I am anymore.

“Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.” ~ Guillaume Apollinaire

25-02-11, 15:01
Good for you - that is the spirit.

We are here anytime to help you through.

Do you have hobbies etc that you are comfortable with to encourage you to get out and about ?

Remember it will take baby steps to turn your life around but you can do it.

I still have lots of wobbles but im not getting down about it anymorex

Go girl!!!

25-02-11, 16:27
Hi,that is just how i am feeling-i am so bored with this anxiety-it takes away enjoyment out of life and zaps all energy. I feel i have become almost a different person from someone who worked long hours for years who now is too anxious too work-it is indeed crippling and the future seems scary.

25-02-11, 16:34
hi at times, i feel abit like this too, i get so angry though aswell that it stops me doing what i enjoy, everything i do, takes a huge effort because i always feel what if its wrong, not good enough etc, people just dont realise what a hard day it can be to just feel so useless sometimes at everything.

I try hard to fight it, to do the "not care what people think" thing, b positive, sociable and smile etc, but sometimes, i prefer to just hide away in mu home for a week or 2.

hugs to u all and atleast we all have each other to share, stories, tips, advice etc or just give a hug xxx

25-02-11, 16:53
Hiya how about some exercise...?? it doesn't have to be a hot sweat down the gym....but it is proven to help with ur state of mind depression/anxiety....Get the Endorphins going!...might take ur mind off things.....works for me

Pinks x

25-02-11, 18:25
I know what you mean...I echo what has been said about exercise. It really seems to help my anxiety. I try and exercise every morning and this helps me get through the day without anxiety completely taking over my life. It's not a magic cure but every little helps...as they say :) Good for you for just getting on with life.....:hugs:

25-02-11, 19:06
Thanks everyone
I appreciate your replies.
I don't feel as mad about anxiety as I was this morning.
I do have work and my interests to keep me occupied and that does help, plus I get in as much walking as I can (with my dog) I agree exercise really does help. I don't do enough, but I do walk a lot.
I got asked today if I want to go on a couple of nights out, by a new friend, with her, but whilst it was nice to be asked, I just know that I don't want to go....I just want to stay at home, all cosy, with the fire and candles on. I wouldn't be able to stand the stress of being out with all those people surrounding me, who I don't know. I would probably end up getting totally drunk just to get through it all....I want to stay home. I am so boring!!! lol

25-02-11, 19:57
hi poppyc
Im like that and i think this time of year makes going out in the evenings harder to do,no motivation and i do know that once im out im usually okay
Icant do alot of exercise as i have an ongoing back problem. but hopefully once we get into summer may be alot easier .Holly

Hazel B
25-02-11, 20:50
Keep fighting it Poppy, thinking of you.:hugs:

25-02-11, 21:07
Hi Hazel
How are you?
Thanks for your reply :hugs:

Hazel B
25-02-11, 21:19
Much better thanks, 2 months since my op and I've healed well. Also back at work and travelling quite a bit, I seem to be coping for now, a lot of it was due to this fab site!

Take care of yourself, I'm hoping this dark time will pass for you really soon.
