View Full Version : A True Test Tomorrow....

25-02-11, 15:10
I have been doing well for the last few months. A combination of sertraline, support from this site and some positive thinking are working. Even with big stressful stuff going on the bad days are in the minority.

Had two appts this week at local hospital, which as you know are hard for me. But I attended and whilst the thought is difficult the reality is ok.

Tomorrow, however is going to be a true test.

I have the opportunity to do some voluntary work for the WDCS - whale and dolphin conservation society. But I have to attend a training course.

It's being held in a local museum. The not knowing of how big the room is, will it be too hot etc is really testing me.

I am desperate to do the course as I really want to support this amazing cause, but I am absolutely dreading it.

Let you know how I get on tomorrow folks:blush:

25-02-11, 15:21
Good luck Ditzy! You'll be great, you're anticipating the event as I always do with everything... there might be a little bit of excitement in the mix.

I suppose I have all the usual advice hehe :)... try not to ponder on the room but do all you can to prepare for it. Wear layers so it's easy to get down to a strappy top if you're too hot, take water and sweets whatever are your little safety tools.

You say yourself.. the thought is difficult but the reality okay... and it'll be the same tomorrow.

Really hope you enjoy it and let us know how you get on :hugs: x x x

25-02-11, 15:56
hello Ditzygirl :)

you will be fine ........dont doubt how far you have come .
I used to have to go to a lot of crowded study days and felt the same .
to pre.empt anxiety is not quite the same as avoiding I believe :blush:

choose your seat so you can go out if necessary without disruption . on an end one if necessary .
sip your water and concentrate on the speaker .
if really struggling then just leave room .........go to toilet and douse your face in cold water and shake yourself like a wet dog in the loo to get rid of adrenaline rush .
go back and concentrate on little things like how the chair feels .count the rows of seats ..............and feel the cold water re energising you as it goes down your throat . the little stuff .........immediate sensations .

you will be fine :hugs:

paula lynne
25-02-11, 16:34
Wow, what a fab oppurtunity! :)
As per previous posts, preperation is the key. Rescue remedy, cool spray or wipes, a fav sweety to suck (mmm sherbert lemons!)...

This is your brain getting excited at the prospect....its not distress, its Eustress (good, exciting stress).....go with the flow. You are going to be ok, I just know it. :yesyes:

Looking forward to all your exciting news on your return! Go Ditz! :winks:

26-02-11, 19:11
Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate your support.

Well, after all that stress the course was postponed!!!

Gutted, but will have to wait til next time.

I have, however, signed up for race for life on my own too.

I am not giving up now teeee heeee!!!xx