View Full Version : Something New and Different - Feeling Robotic

25-02-11, 20:13
I've been feeling a little odd for the last day or two - not really unpleasant, but not much of anything else either. The best word I can come up with is robotic, basically flat when it comes to emotions.

This started after I decided to treat myself to a glass of wine Wednesday evening. I've been off my antidepressant for three months now and it had been a couple days since I took any Xanax, so I figured a glass of chardonnay would be okay, especially since I was in for the evening.

Well, the wine certainly did taste good - my first in over three years - but I was good and kept it to a single glass - a healthy glass but one glass nevertheless.

Starting before I went to bed and ever since, my emotions have felt somewhat muted. It is as if there is a blanket over the anxiety along with everything else. It did seem to show some slight signs of life yesterday evening as I drove to a friend's house, but it was so weak that it was almost not even worth noting.

To be honest, this is not altogether unwelcome. A mind that tends to float a bit rather than race and the ability to get about a bit as if in a fog rather than nerves firing right and left is not a bad thing, in my opinion.

Still, I find it hard to think this is occurring because of one glass of wine. Alcohol never used to do this to me, even when I would be out for a good ole time on the town.

So, I wonder - has anyone else found themselves with this flat robotic feeling? And how long did it last?