View Full Version : Feel Good Music Videos

25-02-11, 23:26
This is just an idea of mine...What about we post music videos here of music that feels upbeat, to listen to when we feel cr*ppy.
I will start off with this old one....I love it...it makes me feel so happy :) I was young when this song cam out, but I loved it so much...I dance around my lounge to it, with a glass of wine, and for just a few moments I forget about anxiety and agoraphobia and all that depressing stuff...
Bon Jovi.....Yayyy I love this!


25-02-11, 23:36
i think its a great idea poppy would be good 2 see wat makes ppl happter with music vids, i would have loads 2 post but sadly i have no idea of how 2 do such things:doh: crack on ppl if its ok to do so i await with anticipation. AH :yahoo:

25-02-11, 23:54
as i said i wouldnt have a cloue how 2 put a link up, but could some1 please put the video of Jessie J singing who you are, in a new york subway up for me tnx 2 whoever does cheers!:shades:

26-02-11, 00:20
Here you go Harry..... Just for you x


Put YOUTUBE into the search bar, and then tap in on YouTube what song you want, the right click on the song title in the bar, and then Copy,and then right click on Paste into the message box.

26-02-11, 00:23
Thank you very much Poppy:D:hugs:x AH

26-02-11, 00:39
This is fantastic:


26-02-11, 00:50
Lol ...that has cheered me up lots...lol...so funny. Thanks for sharing that link!

26-02-11, 01:04
I love Mamma Mia - always a feel good film