View Full Version : Samaritans

25-02-11, 23:53
I just feel so down and so drunk and partner away yet again with what he does...Shall I call the Samaritans. I have rung them in the past and in my own experience they were not that good...but that is not to say that every advisor is not that good...so if you feel like ringing them dont be put off by what I say....Someone tell me to pull myself together.
I dont know what to feel anymore.......Maybe it is my age??? maybe I am peri menopausal??? I am so mixed up....I know I am so fed up of complaining. I speak to my Gp and the nurse and they are so good, but I don't think they really get how I feel.
I dont think it helps my partner always being away with what he does, but I can't be dependent on him alll the time.
I drink too much. 6 o clock is Wine Time. My mum died through alcoholism. My Grandad did. 2 of my sisters are heavy drinkers.I should know better.

26-02-11, 00:04
Can you go in chat?

26-02-11, 00:07
Hi...I could go in chat, but it is not fair on all of you, who have your own problems to contend with. Nic - You have enough of your own problems to deal with!
I am just going to give the Samaritans a call...I wonder if they will be there though?
I am such a miserable cow, and maybe I need someone to tell me that, for me to get me out of this. :shrug: I just feel like drinking so much and listening to my favourite music until I dont know.
I am so fed up with trying not to be fed up. I should be happy, because my life, is good in so many ways, compared to others. I dont know what it is with me.

26-02-11, 00:12
You are just feeling worse because of the drink Poppy .You will feel better in the morning .Being on your own isnt nice when you arnt too good .It must be hard for you .Maybe have a cup of tea or hotchoc and go to bed ..You will feel better in the morning but may have a headache .You need to telll your partner how you have been feeling hun and your Dr .Your moods are up and down lately and you may need some medication changes to get you back on track .Do try to cut down on the Red wine as its a depressant ..You can go into chat as Nic says and maybe you will feel a bit better .But go to bed soon you will probabaly go out like a light ..Take care luv Sue x:hugs:

26-02-11, 00:18
The Samaritans are there 24hours Poppy .XXSUE :hugs:

26-02-11, 00:18
I am up for a bit if you want to Poppy - I don't mind at all

26-02-11, 01:22
Sending you hugs. With Samaritans it can be a bit of a hit and miss - sometimes they're fab and sometimes not, but its maybe worth a try. I dont know if you have Breathing Space in your area (out of hours mental health support run by nhs)? If you have I'd suggest them, they are brill.

26-02-11, 01:25
Hope you are ok Poppy :hugs:

26-02-11, 09:43
Thanks for all your replies last night. I am ok.
I didn't call the Samaritans. I went to bed and just woke up, with the dog sleeping almost on top of me lol
I have the most massive hangover ever. :lac:
I am worried that I am drinking too much. I drank a bottle and a half last night. I know I am drinking too much, so tonight I am not having any drink, nor tomorrow either and then cut down altogether. Maybe it is affecting the citalopram, and maybe that is why it doesn't feel like it is working and why my moods are so up and down.
Hugs to you all :hugs::hugs::hugs:

26-02-11, 09:53
Oh Poppy you poor thing.

You are being really hard on yourself and possible drink coz you are lonely. That was me not so long ago.

But I stopped drinking for 3 months and now I do have a glass of wine if I want one. Once you start cutting down your tollerance is less anyway and I can't bear hangovers anymore.

By cutting down on drink I can think more clearly and spend time doing hobbies, I have been trying to learn about websites and setting them up. Tested my poor brain coz i am bit of a technofobe!! I am also knitting and trying to teach myself croquet.

Not the most exciting hobbies maybe but I feel better in myself.

From my experience the drink makes you depressed.

Poppy, i hope this doesn't come across as preaching coz i dont mean it too.

I feel for you, i have been where you are know. Not nice but things can and will get

Have faith in yourself and you will be amazed at what you can achieve.

We are here for you anytime at allx

26-02-11, 10:34
Thinking of you Poppy and good luck with cutting back. My husband is on cit and drinks quite heavily off and on and I don't think it does him any good (is it a bad sign that he DOESN'T seem to get hangovers?) but we all have our struggles - cigarettes for me. As Ditzy says, we're all here for you ad maybe you could also get some professions advice/support of need be xxx

26-02-11, 12:56
Hi Poppy I have phoned the Samaritans in the past and I found them helpful. It wasn't what anybody said it was merely the fact that someone was at the other end of the phone and I could cry, rant or whatever. I do not have a problem with alcohol but I do have a husband that is frequently away on business. He has just returned from Kuala Lumpar. I had something horrendous to deal with last Saturday but no-body to tell. I couldn't sleep or do anything much as I had this tremendous weight on my chest. In the morning I thought about contacting my boss but waited until Tuesday before I could talk properly to someone about it. I'm not suggesting that you wait as emotional stuff is better out than in. There are always people on here who would be happy for a PM. If you feel that your drinking is getting out of hand then you might need to speak to someone professionally about it. EJ.

Granny Primark
26-02-11, 13:18
Poppy please feel free to contact me and I will pass on to you a phone number you can ring that will give you information and be a big support to you.
Hope your feeling better.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hazel B
27-02-11, 19:13
Thinking of you Poppy, take care.:hugs:

28-02-11, 18:04
Hi Poppy, Thinking of you :hugs:x