View Full Version : Scared......

26-02-11, 08:33
Good Morning,
I'd really appreicate abit of help this morning. I'm having a really hard time trying to tell myself this is anxiety today.
I feel very light headed, my head feels "full" (not sure if anyone will know what i mean with that one), i have not got a headache but it feels like i'm going to get one.......why i'm having trouble with these symptoms today i think is because i really wasn't feeling anxious/worried at all.
I'm feeling anxious about it all now though because i have 3 daughters to look after and the youngest only being 4 weeks old....im so scared that i'm going to faint/collapse etc, and their dad will not be back home from work for quite awhile yet.
I've being doing so well the last few months....why has it started again, why when i'm feeling so good?????? What could it be??? I'm thinking this isn't just anxiety now due to fact i have been feeling so well. I am feeling very scared now that something is wrong with my head.....

Any advice/help/reassurace......thank you

Debs x

26-02-11, 08:48
I get the full head and fuzzy about to fall over feeling alot - are your neck muscles tight by any chance as this is what causes it with me as I have herniated disc in my neck so my neck is bad all the time but when its worse than usual muscles wise I can feel as if my head is going to explode.

26-02-11, 09:06
my shoulders do feel abit tense........maybe from holding my baby???? Didnt think of that, so thank you for putting a rational reasoning to me!!!! (whether it will sink in tho)! lol..... thank u again


26-02-11, 09:14
Don't know if this helps, but I've always have more problems with my neck, back & resulting headaches when my children were babies! Not just from carrying them - it's the lifting them in & out of baths, cots, cars (think of all that bending!) Not to mention folding a lifting prams in & out of the boot! That particularly caused by back all sorts of grief cos the chassis was so flipping heavy! Hope you feel better soon. x