View Full Version : Shakin' All Over!

Sheik N Shimmy
03-04-06, 11:29
I was just browsing the messages here a few minutes ago when I got a text on my mobile phone from the hospital reminding me that I have an appointment on Thursday afternoon with the ENT consultant to get the results of a CT scan of my neck and thorax which I had done two weeks ago.

My hands started shaking. It said ring xxx- xxx if you can't attend. Of course I'm attending but of course I rang up anyway and they said it's standard practise to send out a text message.... but I'm still suspicious :(

I can't help thinking that they'll have devastating news for me (and my family).

Despite all this I'm staying cool [8D] - no point in having a panick attack. I'll keep myself busy at the office and maybe the anxiety won't kill me before my appointment!


Keep On Keepin On

03-04-06, 12:06
BELIEVE ME if there was something seriuosly wrong with you and thewy needed to tel you they would NOT send a text message, and would of called u in sooner instead of hr original date

03-04-06, 12:40
Well, I'm glad they reminded you, as I'd have forgotten otherwise!

Katy is right, and you need to trust that this is standard.

Its probably an automated procedure....

Take care mate


03-04-06, 13:58
Please dont panic.......
I know I would too but if we are realistic with ourselves, if it was devasting news you would have been called ages ago!

Keep your chin up x

Hay x

03-04-06, 17:06
They only text you to remind you about appointment for 2 reasons
1, not everyone is as paranoid about their health as we are, lol so some people ( and i know this is hard to beleive ) may actually forget it or get the dates mixed up
2 because if you were not going to attend then they could call someone up and arrange to see them to make sure that the appointment wasnt waste so please to read anything else into it...... RIGHT !!!!!

I just want my life back

Sheik N Shimmy
03-04-06, 22:43

Thank you for replying to my post.

I'm feeling a lot more positive now.


Keep On Keepin On