View Full Version : Now I have got a cold!

26-02-11, 08:58
Just so fed up feeling cxxp all the time with my nice list of chronic complaints anyway - the health anxiety either making them worse or causing some symptoms anyway and now to top it all I have got a cold. I haven't had one for a year so I should be thanking my lucky stars but instead could scream as I have friends staying for a week and then we are off on only hols we will get for 4 days in cotswolds and I get a cold so will be coughing and worrying for next two weeks:weep:

I have felt off colour and as if I was going to get something for 4 days with general achy and heavy feeling - on and off funny head - had a feeling as if I had swallowed little bits that were sticking in throat and kept saying I think I am coming down with something well here it is - got that horrible pain up back of my nose and nose dripping a bit - the horrible pain will then work its way down throat to voicebox and I will have very sore voice and bad cough grrrrrrrrrr!

Sorry folks for being a grump:curse:

26-02-11, 09:02
I've got something similar at the moment. My throat felt all tetchy yesterday and all scratchy at the back of the roof of my mouth, woke up today with temperature, really sore throat, one GIANT tonsil and a funny head!

:hugs: hope you get better really soon, being ill is horribel ;( Try get as much rest as possible, lots of drink and TLC and hopefully you'll be right as rain for your holiday xx

26-02-11, 11:13
Hey Countrygirl

It might be gone by the end of the week :D, just had all that plus cold sores and mouth ulcers , started last saturday with a sore throat . Theres only me that ever gets a cold in this house for some reason . You have a good four days break and don,t let the cold ruin it for you .:yesyes:

26-02-11, 20:52
Thanks both - seems to be a lot of "it" going around at the moment!