View Full Version : why does this happen worried

26-02-11, 10:41
hi can some one tell me if they have ever had wat i have please . i had to go and have a chest exray yesterday was very anxiouse going as i had to go on the bus myself i was scared of having it done but still very anxuiose and while i was standing still haveing the xray i felt a bit funny and wierd and cant eally explain how i went i think i went abit dizzy aswelland it scared me but as soon as i had it done itwent but still anxiouse and seemed off balance abit and nownow it is worring me as surely this cant be anxiety and im thinking wat if its a brain tumour i just want some reasurance of some one that it is just anxiety and that they too have had this feeling so im hopimg some one on here have had the same experience just to put mt mind at ease thank you

26-02-11, 10:47
Honestly Tricia, I've had those kind of feelings many times and anxiety it is. Try not to give something else to worry about :hugs:

26-02-11, 16:21
With my anxiety, and even before the intense anxiety, I always had trouble standing in one place for any length of time without getting dizzy. With my anxiety, I am dizzy a lot, and it is very scary. Just keep telling yourself it's the anxiety and that there is nothing wrong with you.

26-02-11, 17:01
yup ive had loads of xrays over the years and it just kinda weirds me out,,i have all the normal symptoms ,,the shaking,,palps,,missbeats,,trouble breathing,,i know its only panic but still it always gets me,,one of these days i,ll learn to be ok,,or not :D