View Full Version : Help needed ASAP

26-02-11, 14:05
i would love an answere to this Question and only people that sufer or have sufferd this, Right my heart will always be in the 90s and goes well over the 100 mark all day if i lay down it will stay in the 90s and in the day it will go 120 130 140, it will go down around 115 112 110 then when i sit down it will be in the 90s again, i want to know if this is normal ive had tests done IE. ECGs, ECHO, BLOODS, 24 HOUR Tape thats like a 24 hour ECG, now ive been told this is all ok by the Doctor, i went to A&E the other night only being told i might have a problem with my heart, i asked the doctor what he ment by a problem he said it could be something wrong with the electrics of the heart, now keep in mind ive had all these tests he comes out with this, so now i feel ive been lied to over all this time.
Now i dont want people saying to me thats its all ok i need an answere i know your not doctors on here but if you have had the same problem i would love to hear fromyou and if you can let me know what your answere is, i need to put this to my Doctor on monday morning. so please i hope people out there can help me many thanks ian:lac:

26-02-11, 14:41
Hi there you should of asked the doctor what he ment by this . phone up the hosp were u went and ask some 1 to go through your notes and explain to you as it is putting stress on you , but after having so many test i doubt theres anything wrong

26-02-11, 14:46
Hi lisa thanks for your reply i did ask the doctor at the time and all he said was go see my doctor on Monday, so this is why im asking the question on here, yes i know ive had all the tests but its now a worry why he said that, Thanks again ian

26-02-11, 15:16
So many people read my post but no one suffers the same as me so what do i believe now?

26-02-11, 15:23
Ian, you need to give people time to reply.

The title of your posts says nothing about what you are woried about so you are bound to get lots of people reading it who then wont be able to help as you have said you only want people to reply who have suffered with what you have described.

Just because people are not replying does not mean that you have anything to worry about though.

26-02-11, 15:29
Thanks kelly im just worried thats all x x

26-02-11, 16:41
Ian, why wont you reply to my messages?

26-02-11, 17:14

People (including myself) haven't answered as you put this:

Now i dont want people saying to me thats its all ok i need an answere i know your not doctors on here but if you have had the same problem i would love to hear fromyou

Well I haven't had the same problem so can't offer any advice about it - sorry

26-02-11, 17:19
Hi there, firstly can i just say that i have been through similar, and all turned out to be fine. it is perfectly normally for your pulse to vary greatly through each day and to be different dependant on sitting/standing/active and laying mine at its worst was 180 bpm on resting, i could feel it thumping through my body, i was rushed in to hospital many times, and some times kept in, i had all the tests going including 24 hour monitor, numerous ecg's bloods etc and i was told, yes my heart beats fast, but there is no concern as the rythm ets was ok i still get it now, but i am not concerned as i have been told all is ok. Can i just ask, when you went to A&E did the doctor tell you that there may be a problem with your heart based on tests he carried out, or did he say it based on your description of events? did he look at your notes regarding all of your previous tests? As if he did none of the above then he should not be worrying you with such a diagnosis.
If the doctor you saw really thought there were a serious problem, they would have ran further test and treated you as necessary, the fact that they have told you to see your gp on monday and your previous tests were all fine, sounds like everything is ok xx

26-02-11, 18:16
My husband has an electrical problem with his heart but this was shown up by having an irregular heartbeat ( not fast ) and if you have had all those tests an irregular heartbeat would certainly have shown up certainly on a 24hr ecg.
It's very treatable and not life threatening don't worry mention to your gp what they said at the hospital anything unusual in your heart would have shown up I'm sure your gp will put your mind at rest
Linda x

26-02-11, 18:51
Hi Katie thanks for your reply no the doctor didnt look at my notes thats somthing i was thinking about when i got home, but it is still a worry as im laying here now my heart is racing 105 beats and for what reason its not Anxitey as im calm as anything, so its somthing that needs to be sorted, Ian

26-02-11, 18:54
Hi Linjoy you say your husband has a problem with his heart im sorry to hear that but i wish doctors would have more time for us and explaine wjat is going on as it can make us worry more, you saud it showed up on ECG see mine is fine my ECGs show nothing wrong apart from it racing, aagin this is a concern as it must do damage to the heart racing like this for so long, oh well off to see my doc on monday will have to sort this out once and for all, thanks again for your reply Ian x

26-02-11, 18:55
Im in the chatroom Ian if u wanna talk.