View Full Version : waking up scared?

03-04-06, 11:54
I have been waking up threw out the night scared somtimes and then have problems falling back to sleep does anyone else do this?

03-04-06, 12:02
hey forrest, i have a similar feeling, accept i find it difficult to get 2 sleep in the 1st place. night times are often the worst and a time when you feel alone. The trick to stop feelin scared it to occupy ur mind with somethin else, i try an read or call a supportive friend for a quick chat.

03-04-06, 12:15
Hi Forrest

I get this when my anxiety is at its worst (like now!) awful isnt it! then feel tired through the day, I often wake up with a jump that scares me then am afraid to go back to sleep

You are not alone

Wendy x

03-04-06, 12:22
yeah it is!! mine is because i wake and my hands are asleep all the time and its scaring me that i might have a somthing bad going on causing it i seen a nero doc and she did afew tests and didnt find out what was causing my hand to fall to sleep all the time i dont have carpal tunnal are problems with vit-12 are throid problems..