View Full Version : train journey.. panic attack :(

26-02-11, 15:24
So i have to get on a train later on, by myself. The journey is about 15 minutes but i dont think i can do it alone. I only went on a train once in the last three years with a friend, i just dont think i can go it alone. Any tips :(

I am scared i will panic, feel like i am losing my mind, etc.. its making me cry now and i havent even left yet.

26-02-11, 15:32
Hi misskitty

You will be fine. Have you got an ipod or anything you can take? Or a book? Or even just play a game on your phone, or text people. Anything to distract yourself. Maybe take a bottle of water you can sip, or some mints to suck too.

Keep telling yourself you will be fine. I know 15 minutes can feel like forever, but in reality it's not that long. Keep focussed on how great you'll feel once you've done it and you can say that you've beaten anxiety and panic today.

Good luck, I don't like going far on trains on my own either, but you can do this.

26-02-11, 15:40
thankyou.. already got the mints and water, lol. its silly really but because the train wobbles about i get really anxious too.. yeh 15 minutes can feel like forever and it stops twice so will have to make sure i dont depart early from fear!!

26-02-11, 15:49
Can you break it down then, as it stops? Like, instead of thinking it's 15 mins, just focus on however many minutes it is til the first stop. Then once that's gone, how many minutes to the second, etc.

Let me know how you got on!

26-02-11, 17:07
will try that :) think i may have found a friend to come with me thank god. I get these weird anxiety symptoms like i am scared that i am forgetting everyone i love.. how odd is that?!?!?

26-02-11, 17:48
You just need to chillax. The train journey is a common shaker for some of the anxiety prone. Just don't focus on the journey, no one else does. Just keep your mind on your daily goals.