View Full Version : How many of you have eye floaters? They drive me mad..

26-02-11, 16:07
They basically started off my anxiety a few weeks ago. I have a big floater in the left eye that settles in the same place..so annoying. I've had the opticians check them, and a specialist, says its normal age related. I'm 29! lol!

It's put me off going out into the lovely sunshine. I never used to notice them before, but after a stressful time at work the other week they came on. It was driving me mad trying to think of the cause. I was thinking ,maybe vitamins, exercise I do etc. Non of my routine has changed though over the past few years..or what I take..i've recently stopped taking multi-vitamin though just incase.

I guess I hate not knowing the reason for them, most of my friends don't get them, but my family do..maybe it's genetic, I don't know. Maybe it's because I spend so much time on the comp working..I do wear glasses now.

So have anyones got any better? Or do you finally adjust? I'm 3 weeks or so into these new ones and I hate them so much.

Thanks guys


26-02-11, 22:01
oh they are horrible hun..I notice then occassionally but they really are harmless,if a optician has checked them and given all clear then relax...my neighbour has them constantly and was told it was due to her having low blood pressure,I don't know how accurate this is but might be worth a visit to the doctors
Anxiety usually goes hand in hand with depression,so although you think the floaters started your anxiety it may be if you are depressed it was infact depression that kick started the anxiety ...this may not apply to you but perhaps like I say a trip to the docs might be worthwhile
take care

~glowly worm~
26-02-11, 22:09
Hey Carl,

I have had these for years, please try not to worry.
Mine came on after an eye test!
As Jenny rightly said a trip to the docs might help ease the anxiety, however i have indeed got used to mine and was told its because of my short sightedness? I barelynotice them now, they can get worse but mostly are barely there.

Hope this helps a little

~glowly worm~

26-02-11, 23:09
I've had floaters in my right eye for years now. I've gotten used to them. Reading a book in a brightly lit room can get annoying, though. Mine also seem to be worse or more noticeable when I'm tired.

My eye doctor didn't seem to care about them when I told him. He just looked in my eye and said "meh" more or less.

27-02-11, 00:04
Thanks all, nice to know I'm not the only one. I've been up the docs so many times lately, I should have my own car parking space! Ironically my blood pressure has been a little high recently, it runs in my family (moms side), the doc won't put me on anything as he says I'm too young. That's what's probably causing these dizzy spells I'm having..

27-02-11, 00:23
Hey mate,

Mine came on a couple of months ago when I was skiing - lots of white snow + eye floaters was damn annoying! I basically couldn't stop noticing them for weeks and then bam, I just kind of forgot about them...
But anyway, they come and go, and I usually notice them when I'm anxious, so nothing to worry about :)


27-02-11, 00:29
Cheers Stu. Agh skiing, all that white snow and floaters, I can only imagine! Yeah I've heard the brain blocks them out eventually, I'll try and be more patient then :whistles: I've looked up every webpage on the net for some miracle cure, from chinese herbs to going on a 3 day water fast..i'm sure a lot of these so called cures are made up for a laugh :D

Thanks mate

27-02-11, 00:52
Haha it was crazy! The slope was white with so many zig zaggy black lines everywhere! Anyway, you ever need a chat or what not, I can most definitely relate to your posts, and I'm just a PM away mate :D

Take care,


27-02-11, 00:59
Cheers Stu! I will take you up on that, will promise not to drive you crazy, haha :D

I should probably get to bed, see what tomorrow brings!

Take it easy mate, speak to you later!

27-02-11, 15:09
I have had them for years - quite large ones too. If I look in the sunlight I can see them all floating around. You do just get used to them and they are very very common. My dad has sufered with them for years too. I am only 34 so they are common at younger ages. I also spend a lot of time on the computer so have a similar story.
Hope that helps

28-02-11, 09:53
I can see them all the time! They drive me mad, still there isn't a lot I can do about them. I'm not sure what caused them all of a sudden. Yeah I spend too much time on my computer

01-03-11, 20:51
i too suffer like this and i also get dizzy spells which ive been told that visual disturbances can cause.
Hope youre convinced now

01-03-11, 21:11
Thanks Holly! Interesting, maybe that is causing the light headed feeling I have then, maybe I'm looking at them too much! :D

Hope they fade a bit or die down one day...never used to notice them, really bad in the mornings.

01-03-11, 23:09
I get them alot, use to worry about them at first but just got use to it and realised it was nothing to worry about :)

02-03-11, 11:07
Echoing what everyone else is saying, they are annoying but luckily they're nothing to worry about :) I think they can occur more if you work on a computer a lot. Hope i've helped you a bit :)

02-03-11, 11:55
Thank you. Do you notice them on most backgrounds? I hope I eventully get used to them, I hate seeing them outside. Do they fade or do you adjust?

21-03-11, 01:37
Hi there.
I have these annoying things too! They are at an all time high at the moment with the anxiety i have been going through. I was hoping they would settle after spending a couple of week free of anxiety / panic but no such luck. Mine appear to be worse when i look up at someone while sitting at the computer. I can see them all around the person, theres even a whiteish one today which i have never noticed before :shrug: so im a little stressed! Arghhh!

25-05-11, 08:51
I got those bugs too a couple of years ago. Guess what, my panic crisis which used to be history, they came back. I'm 32 now and they didn't go away. I've given up trying to fight floaters and I pretty much avoid light, which is not a good thing to my mood. Maybe years of chems like SSRIs taking their toll.

15-07-11, 04:02
Hi all im only 23 and ive had them over a year now! i noticed them last year in march i was laying back getting my hair down and i noticed just one and it never went away and over time i started getting more i have about 5 or 6 now i see them everyday only like out side when i look in the sky or when i look at white walls..also i noticed my vision is a little blurry now espeically driving at night i hattte it floaters have for sure changed me i hate being outside now it sucks.. ive been so freaked out i have a brain tumor!cause i heard they r a symptom:weep:

Jonny X
15-07-11, 10:52
Hi Carl

I'm 32 and have had floaters for years, it's very common if you're short sighted (which I am). I went to see my optician about them a couple of months ago and he said 99% of the time they're harmless so I wouldn't worry yourself about them. If you try to forget about them eventually your brain will learn to block them out, sometimes I don't notice mine at all until I start thinking about it again! :mad:

15-07-11, 11:17
I've had floaters for years, but these days I'm only really aware of them if I'm in very bright light, or if I look for them. They did really worry me at one time, but I've had them for so long there can't possibly be anything harmful about them!