View Full Version : Eye Problem

26-02-11, 19:23

In the last three years I've had this problem with my eyesite, whenever I keep my head straight and look left or right a dark spot appears in the corner of my vision. Bizarrely, when I look straight ahead I cannot see it.

I first noticed this after a particularly bad bout of anxiety in the Summer of 08. I've been to the Opticians about six times since then, the last was in August last year and I've been told time and time again that my eyes are fine and that my vision is perfect. Could anxiety be causing this?

I also suffer from Migraines but they are pretty rare nowadays, throughout 2008 I got them a couple of times a month but as I improved they've gone down to about one every six months.

Cheers in advance for the help.

26-02-11, 19:29
If the spot moves around when you move your eyes then they are usually just floaters which are debris in the eye and perfectly normal - sometimes they can appear as jet black spots but they will slide around in the vitreous of the eye. If its to do with your retina then the spot will stay in same place and when you blink it will flash different colours.

I would guess it is floater like as an optician would have picked up straight away if there was a problem with your retina. The more you look for them the more you see them (floaters) so try your best to ignore it completely and you will not see it as much.

26-02-11, 19:38
Well the dot is quite big and it doesn't change colour when I blink so I think that rules out a problem with my retina. Its just really annoying!

Got an appointment with my Psychiatric Nurse next week, going to mention it to her.

A few years ago I had really bad anxiety and fretted about my eyes alot and this symptom came shortly after, so I think its probably linked to anxiety.

27-02-11, 00:08
Sounds so much like me, I am SO paranoid about my floaters, only had them 3 weeks. Already had them checked. Problem is I've got this constant light headed feeling too..

Keep your chin up, if you've had a check at least you know your in the clear, hard I know..least we are all in it together