View Full Version : Contact lenses/eye diseases..

~glowly worm~
26-02-11, 22:04
Hey all,

As a long term glasses wearer i am ready to renew my prescription..however I have wanted to try contact lenses for so very long but am afraid to.

Therefore i was wondering if people could please advise me if they have had any issues with eye infections due to their use especially at the beginning?

Many Thanks...

~glowly~ x

27-02-11, 04:11
Hi Glowly
Been using contacts for years and never had a problem.
Just make sure you wash your hands before putting them in or out

27-02-11, 04:33
I'm 57 years old and have been wearing contacts since I was 17. I've never had an eye infection. I wear hard gas permeables because I never liked the soft contact lens. You shouldn't have any trouble with them.

~glowly worm~
27-02-11, 10:55
Thank you both so much :)

I will follow your advice Phil & it helps to know neither of you have had a problem ;)


27-02-11, 15:13
I have worn them for over 10 years and have never had a problem. I wouldnt be without them now and really makes a difference not having to wear glasses everywhere.

Just make sure your hands are clean and keep them away from water as its the germs in the water that cause the eye infections. Any good optitions wll go through this with you when you go to have them fitted.

Good luck

27-02-11, 19:28
I am 29 an started wearing them at 19, never had any issues. Always wash your hands before touching them. FYI it might be hard to put them in at first, it was for me. it's all mental you won't hurt yourself and its a natural reaction to blink and finch when putting an object near the eye.

~glowly worm~
27-02-11, 20:11
Thanks again both :)

Very useful advice xx

27-02-11, 20:48
I used to wear them and also never had any problems. I had gas permeable ones to start with then changed to dailies which I found much more comfortable. I've since had laser eye surgery which was a dream come true :)

K xx

~glowly worm~
03-03-11, 18:56
Thank you K that helps also :)
Glad to hear your eyes are fixed :) x

03-03-11, 19:32
I've worn contact lenses for 25 years, first gas permeable (which you have to clean every night and then soak), then I switched to daily disposable soft lenses about 4 years ago. The disposables are fantastic - really comfortable, a new pair everyday and there's no worrying about cleaning so less chance of getting any eye infections. That said, I have never had an eye infection with any type of lens, neither has my mum or sister.

03-03-11, 20:07
ive been wearing lenses since i was 14, and im 40 now..with no probs!! i use the daily disposables so theyre always clean ..but as long as you clean the monthly ones youll be fine!!! xx

~glowly worm~
05-03-11, 20:48
Thanks again Dahlia :)

Am definitely going for the daily ones now :)