View Full Version : longtime lurker first time poster

Pete Helgason
27-02-11, 04:22
I have been getting panic attacks off and on for about eight months. It began when I was on a tour bus in Yellowstone. I had to get their at seven and didn't get a whole lot of sleep the night before. Knowing that I had about seven more hours on the bus was a huge shock. I thought I had a brain tumor although the doctors told me that I was just suffering from anxiety and that there was nothing inherently wrong with me.

The anxiety has sort of come back as of late. Right now I sort of have parkinson's in the head (sort of tremors) and kind of a weird sensation in the ears. I also feel like I'm walking through waves while walking. I need some help to realize that this is nothing serious (ie life threatening) and to get back on the right track as I am a college student.

27-02-11, 04:25

27-02-11, 16:31
wow.. this is weird.. things like you describe are just normal little worrying thoughts I've had for years! (gawd.. I must me mental or something if this is other peoples hell [[saying this to spite myself, no one else]] -_-)

why don't you just press on like me or something? its hard all that.. but like people say.. theres always light at the end on the tunnel.. and if its a train..

at least it would be quick eh?

stay strong man.. stay strong.. my stuffs been dormant for like 7 months now.

and NOW it decides to make me panic.