View Full Version : Mucus Colour on Stool (sorry bit gross)

27-02-11, 10:13
Hi everyone,

I've had IBS for years now with white mucus at times, recently though i have noticed the colour is different. Can you get different colour mucus streaks on the stool ? It looks like red blood streaks on the stool but on tissue it's definatley mucus and seems a lighter more orange colour (sorry to be graphic).

Also the stools i'm tending to have start very hard and finish very soft in one movement is this normal of IBS?

Sorry again if it's put anyone off their tea!!:)

27-02-11, 15:01

yes i have had this mine was a sort of orangey brown colour. My doctor said it was to do with ibs. have not had it in a while seem to get bouts of it then clears up.

hope that helps.


27-02-11, 20:09
Same here it can be from clear to white to orangy brown that can look like blood in streaks on toilet paper if you just glance. I also get it in attacks then nothing for months then back again def ibs.

27-02-11, 20:40

Yes I've (I@ve) had it look orangey before but never thought anything of it until I read this thread!

K xx

28-02-11, 18:37

Thanks for the responses, very reassuring. :)

28-02-11, 19:31
ive had this before the mucus can be browny/red or orangey/red my gp says its internal piles ive had this for around 3 years and had a clear colonoscopy so dont worry x