View Full Version : Help emotional ?

27-02-11, 11:08
hi can any tell me wat emotional feelings they have with their anxiety as i know all about the phisyical symtoms that u get but i cant seem to find anything on the internet or anything about how people feel imotional as i want to try and understand how it makes u feel in side as i hate feeling like this 24/7 and maybe if i understood how the anxiety makes u feel emotinaly i might be able to cope better wih my anxiety as every day i feel i cant cope with it and just want to get more info but no one seems to understand oe explain to me why i feel likle this can any one relate to what im saying on here as just need to know thks

27-02-11, 11:52

I found this on the net that might explain a few things - very interesting.

Secondary emotions
A secondary emotion is one that is experienced in place of another emotion that is difficult for the person to feel or express. For men, anger is often a cover for jealousy, hurt, disappointment, embarrassment, and sadness. For women, anxiety tends to often function the same way. Theoretically, this way of defending ourselves protects us from having to deal with the more complicated and difficult feelings. Therefore, we can easily make a mistake thinking that a situation or occurrence has made us anxious or angry, when in fact the true emotion is something different. For people with GAD, this can become very complicated. Most of life is experienced as anxiety, and it is a relatively expected and familiar feeling. Other Feelings

In trying to understand what feelings (primary emotions) could be underneath your anxiety, the first thing to do is actually ask yourself that question. If you allow yourself to be open to the possibility that you are hurt, disappointed, or grieving rather than anxious, you are taking great leaps forward in understanding yourself, having greater emotional intelligence, and having the ability to make efforts to improve your situation based on other underlying feelings. If you are left with some sort of fear, then your anxiety is likely in the right place. Give this a try and see if it can reduce your worry, and help you make life changes that will actually alleviate the true negative feelings you have, rather than missing your experience and causing continued worry for “no reason,” as many people with GAD tend to do.

27-02-11, 12:24
hi judipat thank u for replying to me and i will try what u have said as ive just asked my self that question and straight away i get anxiouse because the first thought that came in my head was the fear of either bieng dizzy or go dizzy as about 5yrs ago i woke up one morning and was very dizzy and it wouldnt stop for hours i managed to get to my doc and he puy it down to menopause and i carryied on for about a year or so with the dizzy spells as every time i looked up or down or bent down i woulg go dizzy and i worried that i had a tumour. i changed doctors because i moved home and it wasnt till my new doctor sent me to a specialist and they diognosed me with bppv and ever since my first attack of the dizzynesss i wont move my head to look up or down or do anything that mite bring the dizzyness on and that fear has took over my life as thats all i seem to worrie about is this fear of the dizzynesss i wont even take any tablets for anything if the side effects say may cause dizzyness .i have had alot of trauma s in the last seven years which hasnt helped me with my anxiety but its the fear of dizzyness thats always on my mind . so maybe thats wats feeding my anxity i dont know .sorry for going on but just thought id try and explain thk you