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03-04-06, 12:19
Are you frightened of eating infront of others?

Sarah x

08-04-06, 19:40
I'm not really frightened, but do get anxious and don't eat much in company, even family and friends - I worry I make too much noise, might spill, dribble down my front......!!

08-04-06, 20:48
Hi Sarah

I do but then I have an eating disorder.

Do you experience anxiety when eating in front of people? What is it that worries you about this?


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

09-04-06, 15:10
Hi Karen

I'm sorry to hear of your eating disorder.

Yes I get terrible anxiety at the thought of eating with people who I don't know very well or feel uncomfortable with. This is particularly bad with people who I want to make a good impression with. I am ok with my close friends and family. I think this all stems from shyness and being bullied as a child. I worry that I won't like the food, people will laugh at my choice of food or that I will have a panic attack and be unable to eat anything. If I do manage to go for a meal then I just worry about the next time I will have to do it and then the time after that! This problem has seriously affected my social life as it restricts who I can have a relationship with. I recently had to break up with my new boyfriend because I was in a total panic all the time and making myself ill because I knew I couldn't get out of eating with him and his friends. I wanted to be with him more than anything in the world but I just couldn't do it and it has broken my heart.

Sarah x

19-04-06, 06:59
yes sarah i do.. i also have an eating disorder..

23-04-06, 16:30
Hi everyone.

I wondered if anyone else felt the same, I get really embarrassed eating in front of certain people, I find sometimes that I have to get used to the environment before I eat in front of certain people.


23-04-06, 21:04
I've never really been afriad to eat infront of people, apart from if it's chocolate ice cream or alike because I don't know if my face is dirty around the mouth.

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