View Full Version : not feeling well everyday!!

27-02-11, 12:35
For the last two weeks after having a bad panic attack i just havnt felt myself!! I wake up with a sinking feeling in my stomach, and im on edge all day witch triggers off a panic attack. I havent been out much or wanted to go out because of how im feeling!! I have been taking saroxat now for two weeks and havnt seen any change yet. Im feeling really down about this two weeks ago i was fine i had the odd panic/axiety but not like this and i could cope. The doctors wont help and i dont think i can cope like this anymore. Unlike before i cant sit still i have to keep on the move because i start feeling weird and im not even panicking. does anyone else feel like this?????

27-02-11, 19:46
Kelly, what you are feeling is anxiety, which all the symtoms you have described, many of us go through. Persevere with your meds, they do take a while to start working properley, and they can also have side effects of increased anxiety and agitation amongst others in the first few weeks. These side effects will go, and you will start to feel better. If your doctor is not very helpful, then I suggest you make an appointment with another, as when you are feeling like this, a good and understanding doctor is important in our recovery process!
You will be ok....you have all of us here for support any time you need it!