View Full Version : Heavinessn in chest

anx mum
27-02-11, 13:15
OMG got heaviness in chest now whats this? Last night it was burning

27-02-11, 13:17
Bev. Today im having chest pains to. You know why? because i spent all last night worrying about my health and have the muscle tension from it. it is NOT because im having a heart attack or lung problems.
As said before youve had a diagnosis and its not life threating.
I once had burning in my head to. Turned out it was all anxiety.
Feel better soon :D

27-02-11, 13:33
Hi Bev
That sounds like acid reflux
Have you tried taking anything for it
Anxiety can cause you to hav e acid


27-02-11, 15:16
I have had heaviness in my chest now for a few weeks - a really heavy crushing feeling. I know from experience though that it is my anxiety acting out in my body. When we are anxious we hold it all in our chest, and don't breathe properly which causes all the heart attack type symptoms. Its absolutely horrible I know and very difficult to live with but Ive learnt if you try and carry on and ignore it, it will eventually go away.

anx mum
27-02-11, 16:03
I have had heaviness in my chest now for a few weeks - a really heavy crushing feeling. I know from experience though that it is my anxiety acting out in my body. When we are anxious we hold it all in our chest, and don't breathe properly which causes all the heart attack type symptoms. Its absolutely horrible I know and very difficult to live with but Ive learnt if you try and carry on and ignore it, it will eventually go away.

Its horrid itsgone bk to burning again now. Have u had pains too hun?

27-02-11, 16:06
bev i really feel for you but please remember your fine :D. ive been having really bad painful twicthes for the last few hours in my chest. not nice but harmless.

27-02-11, 16:13
Yes quite sharp pains but I have read that heart pain is normally not sharp, quick or stabbing in nature. I do have a digestive issue due to my anxiety and my pains always seem to coincide with that. I wish I could take it away for you as I really sympathise and know what you're going through. No matter how may people tell you your fine its hard to believe when you are going through it. Just remember so many people on here have it and we are on here as we suffer from anxiety so that should tell you something.

Take care

anx mum
27-02-11, 16:21
Yes quite sharp pains but I have read that heart pain is normally not sharp, quick or stabbing in nature. I do have a digestive issue due to my anxiety and my pains always seem to coincide with that. I wish I could take it away for you as I really sympathise and know what you're going through. No matter how may people tell you your fine its hard to believe when you are going through it. Just remember so many people on here have it and we are on here as we suffer from anxiety so that should tell you something.

Take care

just read costochondritis can cause burnng pains think because im anxious thinking all sorts.

27-02-11, 16:37
i been having heaviness in my chest for years now bev and nothing has come of it , it is scary but more we focus on it worse it gets try to calm down a bit it will help honestly xxxx

27-02-11, 16:52
Its more likely to be tight chest muscles from anxiety as costochronditis normally has pain with movement altho it is dangerous for me to try and diagnose anything - just telling you as I have it from my experience.

Easy to say (and i am the worst on in the world for this) but probably not best to google your symptoms as google just gives you possibilities and you can read what you want into them.

Try some deep breathing exercises if you can and see if that helps altho I find the heaviness in chest can last for a few days before it goes, and will only go as you relax more.