View Full Version : can you have a freckle inbetrween your toes?

27-02-11, 13:28
Has anyone got this or does anyone no if its ok to have a freckle inbetween your toes??

margaret jones
27-02-11, 13:37
not sure what you mean by freckle ?? Like we get on our face/arms etc ??post a pic maybe Are you sure it is not a beauty spot :D
Take Care hun xx dont worry

27-02-11, 13:43
Yeah just like a freckle you would get on arm or leg, smaller than a grain of rice

margaret jones
27-02-11, 13:53
Bexy Hi I would just keep a check on it and if it looks or feels different just pop to the GP and get his advice xxxx Dont worry about it , if it starts worrying you off to the GP ASAP otherwise it will make you more anxious xxxx

27-02-11, 14:13
thanks...... why am i worried about a feckle???? it has always been there because i new straight where to look when i was checking my skin so why all of a sudden am i questioning myself to the point where i am not even sure when any of my moles or freckles appeared!!!! am i looking to much ?

27-02-11, 15:16
perfectly normal and harmless to have freclkes anywere on your body. You really are examining your body to much. take care

27-02-11, 15:49
I have freckles that have popped up in recent years on the sole of my foot and on my finger. I know we're told to keep an eye on and report everything but I really think we can be too pro active most of the time.

Don't worry, you sound like me at the moment in a complete HA freakout and even though you know it's all ok you torture yourself with the 'what ifs'.

Ignore it, it's ok. :hugs:

27-02-11, 16:14
Hi bexy

I've read a lot of your posts and you sound exactly the same as I was about 6 months ago.

I have a fair amount of moles myself, not lots, but enough. Well last summer when I had gotten over checking my mouth and breasts constantly I moved onto my moles. The more I checked the more I was convinced they were changing or looked sinister, even though my husband was looking at them and assured me they all looked exactly the same as always.

I can see that going to your GP has not reassured you and like me, you have been moving from mole to mole, freckle to freckle. What I did to make myself feel better was have hubby take pictures of every mole/blemish I have and then once a month he checks my moles against the original pictures. This helped such a lot, I don't look at the pictures at all they are on the laptop and protected by a password (or I would be constantly comparing) and now I know that if they have changed in any way I have the orignal pics to take to docs to show them. I'm happy to say there has been no change in the last 6/7 months and I feel a lot more relaxed about them now.

Anyway, just a suggestion that may help. I know exactly how you feel and if you want to chat just give me a shout. xxx