View Full Version : Cant be positive anymore

03-04-06, 12:20
I have been having panic attacks for 2 years now I keep trying to get over this my self, if i am in a positive frame of mind it may last a week, but then after that all the fears and worries come back, feels like every step i take i make 2 backwards. I no that compared to some people I am 1000 times better off, and i keep telling myself that, but that doesn't seem to help either. I have been to my doctor alot in the past but he just fobbed me off. No one really knows whats going on, my family were big support at start, but to everyone else i just try and be normal, which is hard if you are meant to be going out, but you are locked in the loo for 2 hours being sick because you so worried, worried about what I dont no!? God ive posted loads today sorry take care all xxxxxxxxxx

03-04-06, 12:49
hey loopy,,

WE CAN STAY POSITIVE i am like you doing this thing on my own positive outlook with no meds we all have our bad days or weeks but we cant let that hold us back think of the days or weeks that we feel positive and keep those in mind,,

i had a terrible week last week an awful one,,but all the while i accepted that it was a bad week and next week would be better,,,and now next weeks here it is better,,

i think what we have to do is ""ACCEPT"" the bad days ""ACCEPT"" is the key word we can do it loopy we CAN,,


ok,,PM me at anytime ,,for a chat,,

take care ,,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

03-04-06, 14:38

Sorry you are having a bad time of it. Don't compare yourself to anybody! Hey I worry worry worry about everything, my husband says I worry just to worry. He doesn't get it. I think families try to be supportive but then like most illnesses want us to "just get well" and it's just not that easy. I think you are a very strong person and try to focus on when you are in a strong frame of mind. Like Trevor says everyone has good weeks and bad ones even people without anxiety and panic. (I added the last bit!) Hope you are feeling better.

Bel (formerly Beluga)

05-04-06, 11:54
Hi Loopy

Ive been fobbed off by doctors now for almost 8 yrs. after reading up on this site and finding out loads of information, i finally asked my doctor to refer me to the local mental health team. its called the Focused Intervention team and include psychiatrists, occupational therapists, support worker and psychiactric nurses. I have my first appointment later today and feel hopeful that finally im on the right track for definitive help to stear me in the right direction. This team deal with anxiety/p.a. etc. on a daily basis and are the ones whom should know what we are feeling and dealing with.

If your not happy with the doctor you should request a referral as this service should be available to you too. (i was never offered this service and knew nothing about it till i did a bit of research myself)

Keep your chin up and go find that help thats available to you to get to the bottom of it.

Take care Amanda XX

" knowing and regarding reality as it is, one should know the true facts about this earthly life and look at it without making excuses, and regulate ones daily life according to this knowledge and standpoint." - the book of Buddism