View Full Version : does anyone get these symptoms?

Kristopher :)
27-02-11, 17:07
pin prick sensations, cold chills, twitching, jolts, brain fog, random cramps, pins and needles, ringing in ears, lump in throat, lightheaded (almost like dizzy), obsessive thoughts, weird taste in mouth, feel like crying for no reason, brain zaps, pressure feeling behind head/face, burning feeling on apart of the head and this annoyin pain on the face the best i could describe it is like a tooth ack feeling.

:weep: They are sooo annoying & I usually get them mostly when im tired. What symptoms do you get?

28-02-11, 18:21
All of the above. :) yay

28-02-11, 18:36
Yup. Sadly.

28-02-11, 18:42
You can probably sense my sarcasm.

28-02-11, 20:08
I literally feel like someone is stabbing my body everywhere pain pain and more pain! Are you taking any medication??

28-02-11, 20:15
i also have all the above ...its awfull hope u feel better soon

28-02-11, 21:32
I've had most of the above at one time or another, fortunately a good bit of them are either much weaker or have faded away altogether.

13-03-11, 17:45
ur not alone hun i have all the above plus more ..i just started getting chills today and iaam worried about it but i read ur post made me feel alittle better..take care hun

13-03-11, 20:49
Had most of those and lots of others too!

Its rubbish! But that's anxiety. Just remember that. I regularly have to say to myself 'its just anxiety, nothing is going to happen'. It never does. And that does work for me. It gets easier over time the more you practise it. It takes a lot of self talk but just realise that its anxiety that's causing it and you are not going to come to any harm. It sounds easy, and I KNOW it isn't but try it. It wont work over night but over time things should improve.

Mabel :hugs:

13-03-11, 21:02
I've had the ringing in the ears before, was a nightmare trying to get to sleep. :(

13-03-11, 21:36
hi first of all let me start by saying im no expert all what i say to you now is from experience 18 yr s i have suffered every symptom you have described and it is all down to anxiety your mind and body are bluffing you into believing there is something wrong when really there isn't its just tired overworked nerves you have to learn to relax and i mean relax not just sit down you have to learn to breath the right way the you have to build your inner voice this will help you in so many ways you feel one of your symptoms and you mind tells you straight away something is wrong so you worry this then produces adrenalin which in turn make your symptoms more noticeable so you panic more and more adrenalin is released into your already tired over sensitised body you are now i n a vicious circle it is this circle you must break this is were your inner voice comes in you must listen to it telling you this is just a thought nothink else just a thought this is not real i just have to relax and this will stop it may take you days weeks even before you can relax 100%but it will happen as dr clair weeks says you must first {accept }the feelings accept they are there then {face }them dont turn and run just say ok they are there i will just carry on the best i can just go with them then you must learn to float past your feelings just imagine you are floating when you feel these feelings and last of all let time pass if you can read any books by dr clair weeks it is through her that i am where i am today if you need to talk some more dont be afraid to message me roy