View Full Version : advice please

27-02-11, 17:48
hi guys,

i'm after some advice please.........

i have a once in a lifetime chance to go traveling around asia in 4 weeks and i'm really confused on my good days i'm telling myself i can go and do it! but on my bad days i'm not going at all!

my question is my doctor wants to start me on zoloft tomorrow and he said that i will feel worse for a while, how long will i feel worse for? will i be ok in 4 weeks?

i'm so determind to go

your thoughts please

27-02-11, 19:40
I am on Zoloft, 3 weeks now and feeling heaps better. You will feel worse for a while with the side effects, one of which your anxiety will increase, but its only short term and well worth perservering. Once the meds kick in, you will feel great!
Last year I went overseas, and only started taking my Zoloft about 4 day before we left, it was touch and go for a while...i was quite teary and anxious for the first week, but came good and had a great time in the end!
Go for it...like your doctor said, you will feel worse in the beginning, but by the time you leave for your trip, you will be feeling much better. You could also ask your doctor to prescribe you something to help with the side effects, I know a lot of people are given diazepam to take as needed...my doctor gave me Xanax, which was fantastic as it just calmed me right down and took away all the anxiety until my meds started working properley.
Good Luck