View Full Version : Hey

27-02-11, 18:11
Hey everyone,

Really new to this kinda thing so thought i would introduce myself.. I'm 25 from Scotland. Not sure where to begin with my wee story! Not entirely sure what the deal is with me, feeling at an all time low at the moment.

Was diagnosed with stress and anxiety when i was in my early 20's, been in denial about it ever since! Burst into tears when at the doctors surgery over some bum issues.. was told in no uncertain terms i was clearly suffering from stress and it was unusual to see such high levels in someone so young. Refused to take prescribed anti depressants as i was too embarrassed, felt like i was kicking up a fuss over nothing.

Over the years have tried to convince myself it's been other health issues that are to blame for feeling the way i do, convinced myself i have hypoglycemia, potential asbergers/autism, underactive thyroid.. Actually my thyroid was at one point slightly underactive but has since returned to normal after a year of thyroxine medication. The last 2 months have been spent convinced i have cancer after finding a lump in my breast. Had a scan and biopsy a couple of days ago so waiting on the results, have been assured it looks innocent enough though. Do i feel better for knowing this.. not in the slightest!

Have just been prescribed anti depressants for the second time, again i've yet to start taking them. This time its because i've put myself into a very lonely position with almost no support immediately round me and i'm terrified incase i experience any side effects that make me go a bit loopy.

Anyways, sorry for the giant moany intro guys! You seem like a lovely bunch and look forward to getting to know you all x

27-02-11, 18:13
Hi twinkle333

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-02-11, 18:32
Hi Twinkle

Sorry you have so much stress going on at the moment. Sometimes we need a helping hand and meds can be a temporary fix but I would also look into getting some talking therapy as well.

I hope your tests come back OK and you can move on from all this.

Welcome to NMP - hope you find the forum useful and enjoy your stay here.