View Full Version : Finally time to see my doctor again on Wednesday

27-02-11, 18:47
I'm so glad, and I'm sorry if this is a tad dull or boring but I just need a good whinge at someone who gets how rubbish everything is. But yeah, I'm seeing my doc again on Wednesday and I'm going to beg (on my knees if I need to) for some sort of medication. My moods are all over the place, my anxieties through the roof which in turn means I can't sleep without taking a nytol.
I'm also going to ask for my own letter to give to my employer explaining my bipolar, how it effects everything from work to home life to my physical well-being. I also want to ask about rapid cycling bipolar, which I'm convinced is what I have, the one that changes within hours/days, ultradian or whatever it's called. I know I shouldn't always google it, I'm reading the same stuff over and over again but I can't help but want every shred of information scripted in my brain.
Also, I'm back in work on Friday and I'm dreading it, I've not managed to de-stress at all, in fact, I'm more worked up than ever and I fear I'm about ready to pop and I fear even more that seeing people from HR are going to make me pop and I have visions of being escorted out by men in white coats. Sounds extreme but that's how I feel right now.

Sorry for the wrong rant, just had to get it out somewhere :doh:

03-03-11, 18:46
Lizzie how did you get on at the doctors yesterday? EJ