View Full Version : Can this happen with Fissure or piles ?

27-02-11, 21:05
Ive had about 3 fissures and external pile in 20 years. In December after missing one day going to the toilet I felt that familiar glass cutting pain that goes with fissure and a couple of little lumps came up externally in the area. I treated with cream, the bumps disappeared but left a small skin tag.
Things cleared up, occasional little blood on tissue or stool side and most days nothing at all until I had the days when I strained a bit and seemed to set it off again for a few days.
I thought everything was clearing up and then couple days ago after missing my usual time of going to toilet things were a bit difficult.
So, there was some bright blood on tissue and little on stool.. About an hour afterwards I went to put some cream on and dabbed the sore area with a moist toilet tissue. Did I press too hard because there was a pinprick of blood? I dabbed again and another tiny dot..so I put more pressure on as I was panicky and a slightly bigger dot...I then put the cream on and left it alone thinking I must have added too much pressure.
Can this happen??

27-02-11, 21:36
Yes any cut in the skin will bleed if pressed - I get little splits in the skin around back passage and these can bleed and are very painful when you wipe but usually heal up in a few days.

27-02-11, 21:48
Thank you countrygirl. I have a blood phobia which doesnt help...its just that it scared me after an hour and pressing on it to see the spots..