View Full Version : Anxiety

27-02-11, 21:08
hi been taking bedranol 80mg sr for a while now and still feel the same tbh i know they only help with the physical symptoms but i need asked for something for the mental part i asked my gp and he said i was a bit young :ohmy: and referred me to a physiatrist will he or she give me something?

27-02-11, 22:25
Hi Marc,
I'm not familiar with bedranol, but like any medication for anxiety/depression....it does take time to work. How long have you been on it?
I have been on Zoloft for 3 weeks now, (I have taken it on and off for 9 years) and still not feeling the full effects of it, both physically and mentally...but having said that, I am feeling alot better, and I know that its only a matter of time before I'm back to my old self again! Persevere with it Marc, you will get better....but if you feel its not working for you, ask your doctor if maybe this medication is not right for you! Often people try afew different ones before they find one that works for them. As for needing something to help with the mental part of it, your meds will help with that also!
Good luck

27-02-11, 23:03
Thank's for the reply been on it for 10month now i feel a bit better but still get that spaced out feeling going back to the doctors on tue so i will ask him

28-02-11, 05:09
I would definately ask the doctor to try you on something else...the spaced out feeling is usually a side effect of the meds when you start taking them, but shouldn't last 10 months.
Good Luck