View Full Version : panic attacks

28-02-11, 00:46
Hi Im not really sure if im doing this right but I feel that this is all getting to much. I have two young children and have been under a lot of stress for as long as i can remember.
I have minimal family support and have been experiencing panic attacks for about 3 months now, they have got closer together over the last week and have resulted in me not being able to sleep for any length of time without having them. I have been to my gp about 10 times over the last week and referred myself to mental health services after having a massive one in the middle of town. I have been prescibed sertraline,tamazepam, zopiclone and oxazepam all of which have just made me far far worse. Needless to say i am not taking any of them at the moment.I haven't slept more than two hours a night for the last 7 days and am feeling like this will never end haven't been able to eat and have had to force myself for same period of time. My partner dosen'tknow hat to do for the best and i am emotionless. every time i fall asleep i have one. i just want to be better i start to feel better and then have one. what is happening to me? scared to leave the house but cant occupy myself or focus outwards. help.

28-02-11, 00:48
Hi help31

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

mell angel
28-02-11, 02:45
hiya just replying to your message.i too suffer pretty much the same.i have suffered with depression for years on and off but going through major changes at mo has brought it all bad.for the last 4-5 weeks ive not wanted to go anywhere find myself putting things off and sleep well its none existant for me at mo.keep in touch and keep your chin up.x