View Full Version : Feel so alone and unloved

28-02-11, 06:30
Hi everyone
Does anyone here have any ideas of how to deal with a feeling of being unloved?

My life is a total wreck or at least that is how I see it at the moment.

I feel I have been tossed on to the scrap heap of abject failure and find it hard to come to terms with my present circumstances.

It would be nice to think there was a brighter future in prospect but all I seem to be is anxious and worrysome.

My abusive ex sadly has had a strong influence on how I am thinking and at this moment in time I cannot see how on earth I will ever be healthy and happy again.

28-02-11, 09:05
Sounds like you're going through a real rough patch. I know those feelings very well. Things will pass and get better with time.

Try to learn that who you are and your sense of worth doesn't depend on other people, it's something you need to find inside you. I'm trying to learn that one myself at the moment, it's a difficult lesson but a wonderful journey!
