View Full Version : Getting a referral to a psychiatrist

28-02-11, 10:51
I've been managing my anxiety this past year and have been able to get my life back on the right path, this included going back to full time work and being able to do things i avoided when my anxiety first struck.

for the past 3 weeks however, i have been on a downward anxiety spiral and have been constantly anxious for no apparent reason.
Although i have not had a full blown panic attack, the anxiety has well and truly crippled me and although i have somehow managed to get out the door and go to work, today, coupled with some nasty cramps from the time of the month, i couldn't bring myself to go in.
I forced myself out the door, but when i got to work i freaked out and turned back.

This is not usually me. I have been so strong and fought this stupid thing for what feels like forever but i have no fight left in me.
It's ruined everything, i'm 21 years old, i don't want to depend on my parents to get me through the day for the rest of my life or end up in a mental home, which is where i feel like i'm heading right now.

I think I'm going mad ...

I got a referral at the beginning of the year to see a counsellor about CBT.
had a few sessions in June but she decided she was going to send me to a general counsellor to discuss my issues and i would then go back to her for the therapy ... i've been waiting for my letter from the nhs ever since.

So i've decided i need to see a specialist about this, because i feel like my depression is spiralling out of control and if i don't get a grip on my mental state i could end up in that mental home. I have PMI so i've got an appointment with my GP today to go down that route as i feel i'm getting further away from my goal everyday.

All along i have believed that my anxiety condition is part of something a little deeper manifesting itself in the form of health anxiety as i have suffered from depressive states and anger issues my whole life.

I was wondering if anyone else has seen a psychiatrist and what i'm to expect?



28-02-11, 11:50
Hi Andromeda, sorry you aren't feeling too well at the moment :hugs:. It's been a while since I saw a psychiatrist, but from what I remember, it involves talking about what's happening in your life and how you are feeling. My experience was that they sort of led you to a place where you could understand things about yourself and why you were feeling a certain way.

Sorry this sounds a bit woolly but I did really find it helpful and wish I'd had the benefit of seeing a good psychiatrist when I was first ill in my early 20s rather than in my mid-30s.

Hope it works for you if your GP agrees this is a good route for you to take. Please let us know how you get on xx

Kristopher :)
28-02-11, 12:07
Hi:) Always remember that you are not going mad. People who go mad dont know they are going mad. The fact that you can see a change in yourself proves you are sane. Its just anxiety making you think that way. I am 21 years old in a few days and have had anxiety for about half a year. I had to change from going to a general university to the open university so I could study from home becuase I sometimes get worried for no reason around other people. I always have had cramps as well as twitching and body jolts. This is all due to muscle tension and I recommend that you get potassium and vitamin B12 tablets to take one a day, they really helped me becuase they relax the muscles.

28-02-11, 20:13
Psychiatrists are funny things they ask questions and listen to you can prescribe medication and give their opinion - in my belief they are worth a visit but remember this no one knows u better than yourself my psych suggested i take time off work for this as he could see i was in a bit of a state but my work keeps me going and we all know how hard it is to get back into work when you have been out of it, sometimes i cant make it to work and i have to stay at home but being at home everyday all day would surely make it worse!! I wish you every success give it a go, what have you got to loose :-)