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28-02-11, 11:49
Hi my name is Sean, I found this site today and it looks like it could be a great help. I wont go into to much detail about my problem as ill be here all day, in a nutshell I have a fear of eating brought on by anxiety (If anyone see jeremy kyle this morning its kinda like that) just looking to find anyone with similar problems and how they deal with it.

28-02-11, 11:50
Hi Sean22

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-02-11, 12:12
Hi Sean and welcome,
I'm not a fan of Jezza so will you enlighten me as to what your suffering with?, i'd like to help if i can, but need you to tell whats bothering you if you feel up to it:)

Take comfort in knowing we are all here to help you :), i myself have issues with eating but because of a very severe phobia of being sick, better than i was but still have issues.

As you can see my names Sharon, i'm 47 years old, i live in Derby, i have a daughter of 24 i'm divorced and live with my Partner of 11 years Ian.

I'm the most honest person you will ever meet, why? cos i don't have a problem telling anyone i suffer from Anxiety, phobias and OCD i'm not ashamed i'm proud and i will fight for mental health to be more understood untill i drop down dead :)

Nice to meet you hope we can help
Sharon :winks:

28-02-11, 12:46
Hi Sharon nice to meet you, Well as you already know my name is sean origonally from Essex but now live in North Devon with my partner and young daughter. We are however currently seperated as my disorder has just got so out of control it has had a very negative influance on the household.

I have lived with panic attacks and Anxiety for at least 12 years now and it comes and goes usually dependant on how stressfull things are at the time. But about a year ago I developed a fear of chocking and particuarly a fear of swallowing my own toungue (even though I have been told by doctors that it is a medical imposssibility to do so) I am so frightened by it that i have got to a stage where I have to wear a bib as i wont even swallow my own salivor and am continuasly spitting it out.

I basically can go for 3/4 days at a time without any food at all! The only time I do it is if I get completely drunk I have found this is the only thing that relaxes me enough that I can eat. Its not an easy task getting drunk when you are afraid to drink so I generally find the strongest thing i can whisky, Vodka even Absinth and try and get it down me untill such point that i am relaxed enough to eat.

This has now led onto me becoming alcohol dependent which I hate. I have no desire to get drunk but its the only way i can eat and when you havent eaten for a few days you end up pretty desperate (I DO still feel hungry most of the time, its not my apppotite thats gone) because of this I have had to take myself away from my partner and 10 year old girl as I feel its not a good environment for them.

But now I miss them so much and that brings on even more anxiety and worry. I am also pretty much chain smoking because i am so nervous all the time my worry now is that if all i do is smoke and drink heavily and not eat this is going to cause major health risks. I just cant break the cycle though.

I have tried everything Medication, Hypnotheripy, CBT, NLP, Yoga, meditation you name it ive tried it.

I am so desperate now I dont know what to do.

28-02-11, 14:15
Oh my Sean how much you are suffering i can only imagine :(

I have no experiance of what you are suffering but like your doctor has told you, swallowing your own tongue is a medical impossibilty, not gonna help i know.

Drink will only serve to make things more miserable as you have discovered, what you need is some decent medical attention and soon.
Does your doctor know the extent of all this? can they not get you some specialist care?

I wish i had a magic wand, wish i had words that could heal but i don't, i just hope you get some care that you so obviously need.

I will say a lil prayer for you, thats as much as i can offer :(


Vanilla Sky
28-02-11, 17:39
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x