View Full Version : Can i have the right to change my med?

28-02-11, 12:39
To put it bluntly im not coping..i wont bore you all but i want to go back on my old med...Duloxetine..i was taken of this by the Psychologist in January and put on Mirtazapine and its doing nothing even after being upped..ive gave it a chance..my GP is calling tonight and im going to ask him to change me back,i dont think he will as it was my Psychologist that changed them..i dont see her until 23rd march and i cant wait till then..what can i do??:weep:

28-02-11, 13:15

I have to say that Mirtazipine do nothing for me either, apart from give me an appetite and make me sleep well (which is great but it was anxiety I needed help with!!). I don't really know what the protocol is but I'm sure if your GP knew how desperate you are he/she could change your medication. If not could you call your psychologist and get a sooner appt??

28-02-11, 14:37
Hi my psychologist is off today,so i spoke to my CPN,shes going to phone my GPs and leave a message that i want to change back..im might feel just as bad but the Mirt is doing nothing at all,im up to 30mg now and im worse..x

28-02-11, 15:17
Well my GP has just called to say hes had know message from my CPN so until he does he wont change my meds..im totally flaming..its my bloody body and my choice..arghhhhh