View Full Version : Hello

28-02-11, 13:27
Got to love the predictable titles we use :D

Right, Hi, my name is Pointy (well, it isnt, my parents were not THAT cruel...) and for the last 2 and a bit years I have been effectively housebound by what is diagnosed as GAD. I went from training to be a college lecturer to, literally, sitting in the corner of the room shaking uncontrollably and actually breaking sticks of wood to try an alleviate the tension and panic. Thankfully that was two years ago now, and (much to the relief of all sticks in close proximity) am much calmer.

So why am I here? Well, I'm actually trying to find out whether anyone has a similar problem to me; specifically, that putting on weight has made me more anxious. I dont mean that I am amxious about the weight gain, but that the physical pressure of the added weight around my abdomen actually makes me more anxious. Anyway, I'm going to go and make a thread about that now.

Good to meet you all. :)

28-02-11, 13:29
Hi Pointy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
28-02-11, 17:37
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x