View Full Version : MRI's and CT's

03-04-06, 14:02
If anyone read my intoduction then you would
know that I suffer from Head pains as one of many symptoms and yes the Docotr has diagnosed stree and axiety like a million times, however I am still not reassured.

I have read around the foruma and a lot of people talk about their MRI and CT results, how do you get one of those done, as I need to be referred and My doctor won't so how are you guys doing it.

I knoe I know, I should trust the Doc, but I am always hearing how things go undetected! Just curious really!

Any comments would be apprecitated


Hay x

03-04-06, 14:55
Hayles, my doc told me 100% 7 nearly 8 months ago that i never had anything wrong with my head and all the lightheadedness, eye strain etc was caused by the hyperventilating etc he told me 100% there is nothing wrong with your brain and im not gonna sit here and jepordise my job by telling you that, im seeing him for a check up today actually and in all my last 7/8months i havent felt worse if anything better cause im starting to ave my good days. Just know that even tho things go undetectid look at the support on here and try realising the symtpoms u say alot of others suffer them to. 7 motnhs is a long time for u not to of got worse and worse with ur illness (that we think we have) this is what makes me think more positive x