View Full Version : Hello just joined

28-02-11, 17:16
my name is anne and i am at breaking point with health anxiety.
It all started after a spell in hospital i had an allergic reaction to a sickness drug they gave me my heart rate soared i was terrified. I became obsessed that something was wrong with my heart, doctor told me all was ok but the damage was done. Over the past couple of months i have been worrying about all sorts of symptoms taking my pulse rate, whenever i hear of somebody with an illness or something tragic i break out in a panic. It really has taken over my life, i have been reading the threads on here and can relate to them. Ten years ago i was ill with generalised anxiety and had a terrible time with anti depressants tried about 4 of them but just couldnt handle the side affects.
My gp offered me citalopram but i am sure that is one i tried, i have a phobia about taking medication. I am seeing a psychatrist who helped me before at the end of the week. In the meantime i am having a difficult time i have no appetite the thought of food gives me nausea. Today has been a bad day my legs keep shaking i have a pressured feeling at the side of my head and my left arm feels very weak, i keep thinking i am going to lose control and crack up. I also have the odd palpatation. This illness is so awful my husband is very sympathetic but he says he just doesnt understand. The other awful symptom i have is dry heaving especially in the mornings, the mornings are the worse time for me. Hardly slept at all last night.
I can see i am not alone after reading the threads im dreading tonight.
Take Care Everyone x

28-02-11, 17:19
Hi anne51

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-02-11, 17:25
:)Thankyou Nicola

Vanilla Sky
28-02-11, 17:35
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x