View Full Version : Crying makes me need to pee!!

28-02-11, 18:30
Hi everyone,
I've googled the hell out of this and actually was the reason I signed up to this site. For the last few months, I've noticed that each time I've cried, it's made me need to pee. Even if I've JUST been, if I start to cry (or even well up in some cases) I desperately need to go about 5/10 minutes later. It doesn't start as a mild urge that gets stronger like it would naturally - it is sudden and strong!
I've looked up crying making you need the toilet so often and today, for some reason, it just clicked - it could be anxiety related.
I've always been someone who has dealt with any kind of 'emotional upheaval' by throwing up, so this one is new to me!
Any ideas if I'm right in thinking it could be anxiety related?!

01-03-11, 17:23
Anything's possible with anxiety :)

I'm not a doctor but if its sudden and urgent your muscles might be tense. People with overactive bladders have sudden contractions of the detrusor muscle, which is the muscle that forces the bladder to empty, which gives them a sudden and urgent need for the toilet. That's my amateur evidence for tense muscles there!

So, yeah, might make sense for it to be anxiety, especially if it doesn't happen any other time.

Like I said, not a doctor - just like to think I am sometimes! :D

02-03-11, 18:55
Haha, with the invention of Google we all end up thinking we're doctors at some point - both a blessing and a curse for me!!!
Thanks for your advice. Makes sense and definitely something to think about.