View Full Version : dizzy and feeling like im going to pass out

28-02-11, 18:31
Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone else suffers with realy bad dizzy and lightheadness that makes you feel so unsteady on your feet and asthough you are going to pass out if you dont lay or sit down quickly.These spells just come out of the blue and can come and go all day or even last all day sometimes also during these attacks my legs feel like jelly,my arms heavy and heart sometimes pounds along too with it.Sorry for mumbling on just feeling like it at the minute thanks in advance for your help :)

28-02-11, 19:49
I have it, it sucks. I wish I had a solution for you. I find that 15 min of meditation helps but it isn't perfect. I have dealt with this for many years. I have never acutally passed out but I sure felt like I was close. Good luck.

28-02-11, 21:46
Me to Its happening to me as I write this!! I always seem to get numbness and pins and needles down my right side as well as the dizzy spells that get so bad it makes me sick. Relaxation does help as well as exercise I find anyway.
Hope u feel better soon anyway. Take care

28-02-11, 22:12
ooooooh gosh yes

horrible and scary when out .....find myself clutching onto walls and panicking .
fresh cold air and a long drink of cold water helps sometimes ......as does deep abdominal breathing . It is anxiety calling :weep:
also if I havent eaten and a bit dehydrated it hits with a vengeance understandably .
not alone x

28-02-11, 22:22
Thank you for your replies having others that undersatand is a great help and reassurance x

28-02-11, 22:25
Are you on any meds or therapy ? x

28-02-11, 22:30
My doctor wants me to go back on sertraline after a 2 year break but im terrified of taking any kind of tablets even though ive been on them before.Im also on a waiting list for cbt x

28-02-11, 22:42
good to know you are talking to the doctor and on the waiting list form CBT x

I dont know much about the newer meds ............but you say you are scared ?
must have a reason :hugs:.........but there are different ones to try if the last one didnt help .
you are so not alone with these symptoms though. good luck with CBT.
and keep breathing those deep breaths when it strikes . and cold helps me .
[I am the woman backside up in freezer section of Morrisons ]
keep going xx

28-02-11, 23:00
Im scared becouse im 1 of them people who will read all the side effects of everything and even though ive took them before with no side effects my brain is telling me this time might be different :wacko: Thank you for your advice and reassurance :hugs:
Take care x