View Full Version : Blood pressure worries

28-02-11, 19:12
Hi everyone. I've been suffering from panic attacks/anxiety for around 11 yrs now, ever since my Dad died from a heart attack. My blood pressure was very high and i ended up on medication. Since then it's been a constant battle trying to keep control of things. A couple of yrs ago i started getting bad palpitations/jumping heart very horrible sensations. Went through loads of tests and it came back with a heart murmur and an extra beat. Don't seem to suffer so much with panic attacks anymore, but the anxiety seems to be back with avengence. Last week i started getting really hot and red in the face every evening, and the last 5 days i've had a fuzzy head and a general feeling of 'spaced out', irritated with everything and generally moody, which really isn't me honest :) Today i went to the docs and they said it was probably nothing to worry about, but are sending me for an ecg and blood tests but can't get them done until next weds. I'm now sat here and i'm really red in the face and took my pressure a couple of times which was first 144>86 and then 140>76 which is very high for me.

Does this sound just like the dreaded anxiety or should i get myself to the walk in centre? Trouble is i hate wasting anyones time, but i've got work tomorrow and a long drive to a funeral on Weds so just wanting to put my mind at rest really.

Sorry to go on. Thanks guys x

28-02-11, 19:26
Hi it does sound like anxiety to me your blood pressure might be high for you but its not dangerously high and if your anxious then that is why your getting the higher reading thats all try to relax a bit and it will proberly go back to normal x

28-02-11, 22:39
Your blood pressure is perfectly normal so nothing to worry about and if you are anxious then it will be up anyway. Drs are not interested if its not above 140/90 unless you have a medical reason for it to be kept low which you don't.

I don't think your blood pressure is the problem here - good luck with the tests which I am sure will be fine and remember that extra heartbeats are harmless just unpleasant.

28-02-11, 23:02
that bp reading is nothing to worry about I'd say it was normal

01-03-11, 08:34
Blimey, I wish that was my blood pressure..mine was 144/89 last time and I'm not on anything..anxiety makes it worse