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03-04-06, 15:29
Hi again, can anyone relate to feeling paranoid whilst suffereing anxiety?

I get very bad paranoia, where i think everyone is against me or if i see a group of people i know and they happen to look my way i think they are talking about me. Im worried il loose trust in people and even friends. I feel im being laughed at in my local pub x

03-04-06, 15:39
One of my best friends calls me Paranoid Pete!!!!
She is only joking but I know what you mean.

I get paranoid that if I talk about how bad I feel that I will bring people down with me and I get paranoind that I am ruining everyone else's life! I Have a very small handful of frineds and I know them inside out an dknow that deep down they will be with me all the way.

You know deep down that you can trust the people you love, and at times like this you really get to know who your friends really are...

No one is laughing at you......

Hay x

03-04-06, 16:28
Yep but worse :)

When anxiety got the better of me I actually thought people might poison my food etc. people I know. Gas my room. I got paranoid about everything.

I am not psychotic although they can be symptoms of it too.

The difference is I knew it wasnt happening but I thought it could or might and maybe it was etc.

I think you have anxiety and think the worst about things.

They might be talking about you and saying nice things too. We never know.

Anxiety I think and I can relate completely. As anxiety comes down, so too will the feelings and thoughts.

as my anxiety comes down, so do the thoughts and feelings. And mine is entirely anxiety. I am not psychotic in anyway or have paranoid skitzo delusions. Although that is treatable anyway.

anxiety does weird things.


Learning to under react

03-04-06, 16:32

I also suffer from anxiety and I think paranoia must come with it from time to time. I absolutely hate parties! I don't know how old you are but I think with age you don't seem to care as much what other people think of you. I do understand how you feel though and don't want you to think of it as a trust issue. It is your anxiety working overtime. Try and keep your friendships, we all need them.
